What is marketing automation with CRM?

There is no doubt that marketing automation is a great tactic because 88% of businesses report that marketing automation increases conversions and leads more than 77%. The seamless combination of marketing automation and CRM has the potential to increase your sales. Marketing automation is designed to automate monotonous marketing efforts. This allows the marketing team to do some repetitive tasks such as email campaigns, ad campaigns, social media posting, and more. 


Customers will feel the personalized experiences for the sake of efficiency. A combined source of CRM and marketing automation will deliver unimaginable benefits to both ends of customers and businesses. 


What are the benefits of marketing automation with CRM?

Marketing automation can provide a wealth of benefits for your company, including the following:


Higher conversion rates

A marketing automation tool can help increase your conversion rates by ensuring that your content is sent only to customers who are interested in your business and helping you craft applicable and engaging content.


Improved workflow

A major benefit of marketing automation software is that it identifies problems in your workflows and helps to streamline activity processes by assigning and tracking tasks, sending team member alerts, automating schedules and facilitating easy inter-team communication.


Increased productivity

The main purpose of marketing automation software is to reduce the number of tedious tasks for your employees by automating them, which allows employees to spend their time focusing on other, more important tasks. The automation process can even help boost employee satisfaction and engagement by making employees’ jobs easier.


Personalized buying journey

Personalized, targeted content is a great way to reach new customers and retain existing ones, and marketing automation software can help you ensure that all of your marketing content is personalized to each customer by collecting customer information, analyzing user behavior and capturing data that can be used in marketing campaigns.


Higher-quality leads

More leads are not necessarily better. Focus on quality, rather than quantity, because high-quality leads have a higher chance of being converted to faithful customers. Through a unique lead scoring system, marketing automation software helps you identify the leads that are most likely to be converted.