When you are into your pregnancy days, extra care is needed. It is not something that you can ignore. After all, you have your baby with you now. From food to body care- everything should be different, keeping the baby’s health in mind. New moms often ask about prenatal massage Chicago. Also, there is a trend for special exercises and care for pregnant ladies. Some suggest opting for yoga while some say that prenatal massage is good for baby’s and mother’s health. Also, there is the stroller boot camp, a good way to release stress. Being a would-be mother, you may get stressed out about the upcoming life. So, it is a good option for you.
Well, do not get confused among all these various options. Let us help you with a few effective stroller bootcamp Chicago.
Talking about pregnancy exercises, there are differences between exercises for trimesters. However, let’s not complicate it. Here are three simple exercises that you can try regardless of your trimester.
Plie exercise
First, take a chair and stand parallel to it. Keep the hips at a distance from the chair. Keep your toes at a 45-degree angle from the chair and bend your knees lowering your torso. Make sure you keep your back straight. It helps to improve your balance.
Another effective exercise is side-lying. You can lie at any side you are comfortable with. Bend the leg of that side at a 45-degree angle. Keep the opposite leg straight. You can take a pillow and place your opposite hand on that. Switch sides and repeat.
Being a favorite for all fitness freaks, the plank is an effective exercise for pregnant ladies. Do not arch your back or let your belly sag. Do not put stress on your body. Hold it for a few moments. It helps to strengthen the core of the body.
So, these are a few simple exercises that you can try in your prenatal days. It will help you for a comfortable delivery. Your childbirth process will be smooth and hassle-free. Along with the exercises, occasional prenatal massage is important. Try them and let us know if it helps. For more visit – www.prenatalfit.com