ACSC Essential Eight Essential Eight Compliance Sharkstriker Compliance

End-to-end compliance management service for Essential Eight

SharkStriker provides you the right team of compliance and cybersecurity experts for guiding you step-by-step for identifying and implementing all the requisite measures for compliance.


What is the Essential Eight ?

The Essential 8 is a set of mitigation strategies developed by the Australian Cyber Security Centre (ACSC) to help organizations to better protect against cyber threats. It was first introduced in June 2017 as part of ASCS’s Strategies to Mitigate Cyber Security Incidents, prioritized mitigation measures to help cyber security professionals in all organizations in managing cyber security incidents caused by a range of cyber threats. The Essential 8 are supposed to be the most effective out of Strategies to Mitigate Cyber Security Incidents. Put simply, they are 8 actions that an organization can take to reduce the likelihood and impact of a cyber security incident. Moreover, proactively implementing the Essential Eight can be more cost-effective in terms of time, money, and effort than responding to a large-scale cyber security event.

The Essential Eight The mitigation strategies that constitute the Essential Eight are: application control patch applications configure Microsoft Office macro settings user application hardening restrict administrative privileges patch operating systems multi-factor authentication regular backups.

The essential eight guidelines have provided a critical categorization of organizations per the threat actors. It assists organizations in planning their cybersecurity posture and designing policies, procedures, and rules, assisting them in combating threats that fall under their category.

Organizations that have implemented the guidelines in the essential eight have witnessed increased resilience to threats and have prevented threat actors from exploiting their networks to steal sensitive data.

Organizations that are unaware of the threats or the sophistication of bad actors are bound to face a loss both in terms of reputation and money. They may face damage that is far greater than they expected. In today’s highly volatile threat and regulatory environment, awareness is a must. It is because cyber attackers are constantly evolving and they are well aware of the various security measures that organizations are implementing.

For assisting the most critical organizations in Australia against some of the most immediate cyber threats, the Australian Cyber Security Centre has released the Essential Eight assessment. It is a set of best practices and guidelines that will assist enterprises to step up their resilience.