Custom Enamel Pins: A Timeless Trend in Personal Expression and Branding

From the lapels of dapper gentlemen in the 20th century to the backpacks of Gen Zers, custom enamel pins have retained their charm across generations. What once began as a subtle form of identity or allegiance has now exploded into a global trend, serving both as a personal fashion statement and a versatile branding tool. Let’s explore the vibrant world of custom enamel pins.


The History of Enamel Pins

Enamel pins, or lapel pins, have their roots in ancient civilizations. They began as simple badges worn to showcase loyalty or affiliation to a particular group or cause. In modern history, during the World Wars, pins were used to signify rank and unit in the military. Over time, they transcended their utility and emerged as fashion accessories, especially during the punk rock movement of the 1970s and 80s.

The Craftsmanship Behind the Pins

Creating an enamel pin isn’t just about stamping metal. It is an art form that requires precision and creativity.

  1. Design: It all starts with a concept. This can range from a brand’s logo to a quirky piece of art.
  2. Molding: Once the design is finalized, a mold is created.
  3. Stamping: Using the mold, the basic shape of the pin is stamped onto a metal sheet.
  4. Coloring: The recessed areas of the stamped metal are hand-filled with enamel paints.
  5. Firing: The pins are then baked at high temperatures to harden and set the enamel.
  6. Polishing: Post-firing, the pins are polished to achieve a smooth finish.

Types of Enamel Pins

  1. Soft Enamel: The most popular type, soft enamel pins, are known for their textured finish. The enamel is added in layers, giving the pins a unique raised and recessed effect.
  2. Hard Enamel: These pins have a smooth, polished finish. They’re made by filling the enamel above the metal lines and then polishing it flat.
  3. Cloisonné: An ancient technique, Cloisonné pins have a glassy finish, created by using powdered glass instead of enamel paint.

Why Custom Enamel Pins?

Personal Expression: Enamel pins have become a popular form of self-expression. From fandoms to personal achievements, they serve as tiny canvases that tell a story.

Branding & Promotions: Businesses are harnessing the power of enamel pins for branding purposes. They’re an affordable yet impactful way to increase brand visibility.

Collectibles: Many individuals have taken to collecting enamel pins as a hobby, treasuring designs from different artists or themes.

Designing Enamel Pins: Tips and Tricks

  1. Simplicity is Key: Given their size, overly intricate designs might not render well on pins. A straightforward design with bold lines works best.
  2. Color Considerations: Stick to a limited color palette. Remember, each color addition can increase production costs.
  3. Mockups: Before finalizing, create digital mockups to see how your design translates into a pin format.
  4. Pin Backs: Decide whether you want a butterfly clutch (most common), rubber clutch, or a magnetic back.

Sustainability and Ethical Considerations

With increasing global awareness about environmental and ethical concerns, it’s essential to consider where and how your pins are made. Opt for manufacturers who use lead-free metals and eco-friendly enamels. Additionally, ensure that the production process involves fair labor practices.


Custom enamel pins are more than just decorative pieces. They’re a blend of history, art, personal expression, and branding rolled into tiny, wearable items. Whether you’re a business looking for innovative branding solutions or an individual wanting to showcase your style, enamel pins offer versatility like no other. In the ever-evolving fashion and branding landscapes, these pins have proven their staying power, continuing to enamor and engage audiences worldwide.