Benefits Of Using Diindolylmethane As A Dietary Supplement

Diindolylmethane or DIM is a plant-based indole with several health-promoting properties. Typically plant-based indoles are obtained from cruciferous vegetables including cabbage, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, and broccoli. Diindolylmethane helps in increasing good estrogen metabolism while reducing the levels of undesirable bad estrogen metabolites. It helps in increasing the metabolism rate in the body. It increases metabolic functions naturally by stimulating the working of hormones and testing their action to prevent a hormonal imbalance. Diindolylmethane (dim) helps in enhancing concentrations of good estrogen metabolic while there is a significant reduction in the levels of undesirable bad estrogen.


Diindolylmethane is a major contributor in enhancing the metabolism of the body in a natural way following are three of the notable benefits of using Diindolylmethane.

• Makes estrogen metabolism down through the 2-hydroxy estrone pathway
• Serves as a natural aromatase inhibitor
• Frees up bound testosterone

However, it is still mostly marketed as a dietary substance. But in reality, indole-3-carbinol is not active in the body until it is converted into Diindolylmethane. I3C is a highly unstable compound that can easily convert into substances with undesirable effects on the body. Diindolylmethane is one of the most active dietary supplements obtained from cruciferous vegetables. It stimulates the secretion of healthy metabolic hormones both in men and women. DIM plays an important role in maintaining a healthy hormonal balance and enhances how an individual looks and feels. The basic fact about the body is that estrogen is tremendous support for lifelong health only if can it is metabolized safely and efficiently.

The healthy metabolism of estrogen supports better functioning of the body and improves mood. Healthy fat metabolism, good circulation, and memory are some of the benefits of dim (diindolylmethane) consumption. Among men, estrogen build-up is due to three common conditions obesity, smoking, and excessive alcohol use. It also results in chronic inflammation. If you are in search of good quality diindolylmethane for men then visit They offer the best quality nutritional immunology boosters.