Are Carbs Really Slowing You Down?

“Low-carb diets”, “Keto-diets”, “Low Calorie Sweeteners” and “Supplements with ZERO Added sugar” seem to be omnipresent. High-Carb foods are labeled as “stumbling blocks” to your fitness goals


Carbohydrates play a vital role in helping us achieve that perfect physique, if TIMED RIGHT


You must have read that oatmeal is the perfect PREWORKOUT meal. Oats are rich sources of “Complex Carbohydrates”— these take time to digest and serve as a continuous source of energy. Carbohydrates are essential to replenish your Glycogen stores— sugar that is stored in the liver which is released when you need more energy.

A recent study found that when cyclists loaded up on a high-carbohydrate diet 2 hours before a cycling race, they had enough sustained energy to get through the event.


Consuming a high carbohydrate snack— specifically a high glucose one—post workout replenishes the muscle glycogen levels that are exhausted during a grueling workout session leading to faster recovery.

What types of Carbs should you be eating?

There are 2 types of Carbohydrates: Simple and Complex. Simple Carbohydrates include simple sugars like glucose, fructose (fruit sugar) and sucrose (table sugar).

Simple Carbohydrates provide the quickest source of energy. These should ideally be consumed post workout to quickly restore glycogen levels. 

Complex Carbohydrates take time to deliver energy; they need to be digested and absorbed into the blood and transported to cells to give energy making them ideal for sustained energy required during endurance or resistance training exercises.

How much Carbohydrates do you need Pre- and Post-workout

The quantity depends solely on your fitness goal. Endurance Training requires more energy and should require more carbohydrates to burn energy of.

As a rule of thumb, consume between 0.5 g and 1 g of carbohydrates per kilogram body weight before and after workout depending on your level of workout            

Carbs + Protein = more muscle gain?

As per study in 2015, Athletes who completely eliminated Carbohydrates from their diet, lost muscle mass. 

Carbohydrates and Protein work in tandem to provide the perfect environment to support performance and muscle gain.

Add a Scoopful of ISO RUSH 100% Hydrolyzed Protein Isolate to your post-workout meal to obtain that perfect balance of muscle-fueling Protein and Glycogen replenishing Carbohydrates.