Dental Clinic Winnipeg

Your Incredible Guide To Winnipeg’s Invisalign Teeth-Straightening System

If you have a long-standing fear of dentists or you are looking for a way to straighten your teeth without drilling holes in them, Invisalign might be the answer. This alternative teeth-straightening system has been around for quite some time and is touted by many dentists as one of the best methods available today.

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The best thing about Invisalign is that this is an absolutely risk-free procedure that offers guaranteed results. However, before starting with this teeth-straightening procedure, there are a few things you need to know.

  • Duration of Invisalign Treatment

Your entire treatment at Tuxedo Dental will be just 6 months in duration. This is a very good thing because it means you won’t have long breaks between the procedures like with more traditional options. You’ll also have a lot of breaks during your treatments, but you’ll only need to take these breaks for a few days at best. Many dentists will encourage you to continue the treatment until you see positive results.

  • Cost of Treatment

You can expect to pay for this procedure with a few different charges. You’ll also have to pay for your first set of invisaligns, and then the follow-up fee that you’ll need to pay when all treatments are over. The total cost will vary depending on the type of treatment you’re opting for, but you’ll likely get better results at an unmatched price.

  • Types Of Invisalign Aligner

There are two main types of aligners that you can pick from when it comes to Invisaligns: dentures and quick-clear aligners. The latter is made from thermoplastic material and takes only 2 weeks to set up the next aligner, whereas the former takes about 8 weeks. Invisaligns are a very innovative way of straightening teeth without using metal braces.

  • Are These Effective?

Do you want to know if Invisaligns are effective or not? The truth is that it’s more effective than traditional brackets and wires, but the most important thing about this treatment is that the results will be long-lasting and permanent. In studies, it was shown that patients who had undergone Invisalign treatment could keep their teeth straight for up to 10 years.

Invisalign is a very popular method of teeth straightening that has been around for several years. It’s safe, affordable, and hassle-free, and several reasons make Invisalign the best teeth aligner for everyone.

For more information about Invisalign Winnipeg visit our website