Writing Product Descriptions that Sell

Product Descriptions are the first any prospective buyer reads before buying the product. Therefore, it plays a vital role in persuading buyers. It is one of the primary responsibilities of the seller to give accurate information about the product. According to an e-commerce study, it has been discovered that around 20% of failure in purchases is due to inaccurate or incomplete information about the product. That’s why it is imperative to hire a content platform that can provide you with crisp and engaging product descriptions.


Product content writing is one of the many services provided by Pepper content. As a content platform, we make sure that each of the product descriptions is uniquely curated to generate profits.

Here’s a guide on how to write product descriptions that sell to market to your brand.

  • Decide Your Target Audience

Understanding our buyer’s personality is the main through which you define your target audience. As a brand, if you’re familiar with the characteristic traits of your audience, content writing product descriptions become significantly effortless. Furthermore, it also ensured that your content is optimized according to the preferences of your consumers which eventually will lead to maximum engagement and sales.

  • Audience Likes Stories

Your product descriptions have one shot at convincing the buyers why they need the said product. An outstanding product description writing services provider will make sure that the benefits of the products are written in a story form to influence the purchasing decisions of the buyer. Other than the benefits, the product description contains information about how the product is the ultimate solution to the buyer’s needs.

One of the fundamental pointers to remember while writing product descriptions is that it should have a subtle marketing tone. Overly advertised or marketed product descriptions tend to have an opposite effect on the consumer. In a nutshell, it should convince consumers that the product can improve the quality of their living standards.

  • SEO Check

A product description is written to sell the product which will, over time, naturally expand your business. However, the product descriptions need to reach your target audience for profits to increase. Virtually, your content must be optimized for search engines, for them to pick up and rank your page higher on the search list. It is considered to be one of the simplest ways to attract new consumers on the internet and also to spread awareness about your business.

You can incorporate high ranked keywords appropriate for your products to enhance your SEO scores. In-depth research on finding the relevant keywords should be done before writing the descriptions. Moreover, you can further use SEO checker tools to improve SEO scores.

  • Scannable Content

Humans tend to have a limited attention span. According to studies, they only read 16% of the entire content on the page. The writer’s job is to make sure that the product description stands out and falls into that 16% of the reading. This can be possible by making your product descriptions easily scannable. This means using formatting your content in small yet crisp bullet points, writing in compact sentences and paragraphs and using different size fonts. The goal is to make your product description easy on the eyes and deliver precise data about your product without wasting the time of the reader.

  • Creativity Adds to the Bonus

Your product descriptions should paint a vivid image of your product in the reader’s mind. This image should be clear and entice the consumers into buying it. Sharpen your creativity skills and dig deeper than using the mundane adjectives to write a product description that will appeal to the imagination of the buyer. Humour, for suitable products, can also be incorporated into the descriptions. David Ogilvy lists out particular influential words that are proven to heighten the persuasive factor in your descriptions. Some of them are listed below:-

  • Announcing
  • Now
  • Introducing
  • Miracle
  • Quick
  • Revolutionary
  • Sensational
  • Magic
  • Hurry

  • Use High-Quality Images and Videos

63% of the consumers believe high-quality images are significantly more important than the product description. Thus, the seller must ensure you upload attractive and clear pictures of their product before the product description. Looking at the real image of the product builds in the trust within the consumers, which strengthens their purchasing decisions. Most consumers believe that a picture can tell a thousand words and in fact, skip reading the description to favour their decisions based on images. Usage of other forms of media like video clips to attract consumers is another profitable alternative.

  • Additional Details

Product content writing is not entirely about describing the product. Since it is the first and sometimes the only thing the consumer will read, writers should ensure to add product-specific details in the description. For example, if the product is a laptop, you can include tech specs, for instance –

  • RAM
  • Visual resolution
  • Memory
  • Processing core
  • Battery life

Other information such as warranty and colour are also alternate helpful supplementary information the reader needs before buying your product.

  • Proofread

It is perhaps the last and yet the most critical part of writing consumer-friendly product descriptions. Each of the product descriptions should be thoroughly read to ensure that credible information is included in the content. Furthermore, a thorough Grammarly check should be done to correct grammatical errors, spelling mistakes and punctuation errors. The final proofreading of the written material will analyze the text, and reasonable modifications will be made to make the text more readable.

To Sum Up…

By following the cues mentioned above, you can write product descriptions that will sell. With many content platforms emerging in the industry, Pepper content stands out as an exceptional product description writers provider. A dedicated team of professional writers conduct meticulous research on the product before writing the description. They also follow strict SEO guidelines to reach a wider section of the target audience. An open communication system is followed to ensure that each requirement of the client is taken care of. The product descriptions created are customized for each client to boost the sales of their company and intensify their marketing reach.