WoW Classic 2021 : How-to Make WoW Gold Classic

Finding the WOW Classic Gold guides is a bit like searching for a needle in a pile of hay in terms of difficulty, just much more rewarding! Today, we’d like to review some of the best world of warcraft gold guides, so feel free to use this handy cheat sheet whenever you’re out of fresh wow gold making ideas.


We’ve tried all the methods listed in there and picked the best wow gold guides, so you don’t have to do all the tiring ground work! Just keep reading, and we can almost guarantee that you will find your own best wow gold guide today.

Create a Bank

As many of you know the amount of bag space in Classic game is quite limited, and depending on your class, you may have to carry around some extra gear, arrows, and resistance gear, etc. Let alone having to carry various consumables, reagents and other stuff you need. Bags were much smaller than we used to have them nowadays, and every bag space counts. With no guild banks in play and much, much smaller storage space having a bank alt is going to be essential in WoW Classic.

Having bank alt was a common practice, players sent their stuff on them for a keeping or to sell on Auction House right away. For a bank alt pick a race/class combo that you would like to play sometime later. It takes around 1-2 hours for the mail to get from your main character to your alt, but if you don’t take the item on your alt, you can use the RETURN button to send the mail back to the main character instantly, without any delay. This along gives you additional repository for your items. Mail cap is 100, after which you can’t send mail to that character.

Another advantage of having a bank alt – learning crafting professions. For example, you take the gathering skills, such as Skinning and Mining on your main character and then you pick Leatherworking and Blacksmithing on your alt. We do not recommend to pick Mining and Herbalism at the same time for the simple reason – each of these gives a detection skill on the minimap, and switching between them might drive you crazy, or you will just miss nodes. It is better to handle one detection at a time, but if you think you can do both – nothing will stop you there. Since mailboxes are all over the place, you will be able to just send your gathered reagents to alt, freeing valuable bag space on main and having two crafting skills instead of one, all at once. The only disadvantage, in that case, is profession skill level – to get past 225 skill your character has to be at least level 35, which is why we suggest choosing a race/class wisely, so you may level up that character later on.

ALWAYS keep your alt character logged off in the Inn, as you gain rest XP at a faster rate there, the same tip goes for the main character. There is no cap on rested XP, so you can get multiple levels worth of Rested XP if your character stays logged off for a while, and that will come in handy once you decide to level your alt to advance in crafting professions.

Choose the Best Gathering Profession

Herbing is particularly good because some players immediately use potions, including healing potions and defensive potions, because Classic has a relatively high risk of injury and death at lower levels.

Skinning can be low profit and reduce the time required for leveling, because you can skin them when killing things. However, you don’t need to compete for nodes.

Mining is useful in many professions including blacksmithing and engineering, and as participants approach the upper limit of the level, demand tends to rise. However, please keep in mind that professionals do not experience World of Warcraft as they do in live games. The time spent on turf and mining is still far from the leveling time.

No matter what occupation you are in, the Gatherer mod is very useful because it allows you to track the spawning positions of herbs and mining. If you’re looking for the best way to farm Classic WoW gold, please stick with two gathering professions. Having two gathering professions is an easy way to sell your findings on the Auction House and thus make a quick profit. These are my Top 3 choices:

Skinning + Herbalism

Skinning + Mining

Enchanting + Tailoring


In World of Warcraft, ‘farming’ is the process of repeatedly killing enemies, ideally in large groups, to ‘farm’ them for experience or loot.

If making money if your goal, then it’s the latter you’re most interested in. Whether it’s out in the world or within a dungeon, pulling groups of enemies, downing them with AOE, and repeating can net you both raw gold and a variety of items to sell.

When it comes to specifics, it’s going to be a case of what works best for you. You can blast through lower-level content alone, or group up to tackle tougher opponents. Some farming strategies aim for uncommon gear drops to sell on the auction house, while others will be more reliable in offering coin and crafting materials like cloth.

With so many potential locations in which to farm, it’s worth trying out a few different approaches without sinking too many hours into them initially to get a sense for what you find easiest, most enjoyable, and most profitable.

Farming is also a very effective levelling strategy if you’re working in content that’s within your level – either world monsters or dungeons with a group – so if you’re all about that endgame then it’s definitely worth considering along the way. For others, it might only come into play when you specifically need to make money for a big payment like a mount.

Auction House

This has been the most common strategy to farm gold over the lifespan of World of Warcraft. This can be a long term strategy, however, so if you need gold right away, then you might want to consider some of the other options.

What you want to do is gather up enough gold to purchase both the Shadowfang and Assassin’s Blade from the Auction House. These will be flooding the market because of how many people will be playing the game in the early stages of the launch. You can then, hopefully, sell those in a couple of months when the surplus of items has gone down and the demand has gone up. This should net you a pretty tidy profit, but again this is a more long term play.

To go further with this, you can use a couple of addons for the Auction House. Both Auctioneer and Aux will help you figure out what you can purchase that’s below market value, and will give you a chance to sell them for a higher price!

It’s important to understand that Gold is a lot harder to make in the Classic version of World of Warcraft. Are you still having difficulties getting more wow gold? is a professional service provider of world of warcraft gold classic, offering cheaper wow gold to ease your stress, so you can WOW Classic Gold Sale or Buy WOW Classic Gold from us.