Why You Should be Investing in a New Asset Class

Contact: Cecilia Vichi


Phone: 1(833)930-2161

Email: Info@konzortia.capital

Although the last couple months have seen a partial recovery from the coronavirus-induced global recession, there is still a lot of uncertainty regarding how, when and if things are going back to normal and the economy will fully adjust. This has made it particularly hard for investors to remain confident, as many have taken significant losses in their portfolios. The stock markets seem to be the investment alternative continues to grow, but this growth is the result of an artificial liquidity injection rather than a true increase in value.

Something similar is happening to real estate, as the low supply has led to higher prices, but this price increase does not seem sustainable as income continues to shrink and unemployment to rise. Some have opted to buy gold to save their money, but even with the growing valuation, this commodity isn’t prone to make significant profits for investors, especially as the pandemic is eventually overcome and people begin wanting to liquidate.

This is why, if you wish to not just maintain your portfolio’s value but to keep growing it significantly throughout the pandemic, you need to think outside the box. You need to invest in a new asset class with real value, potential for exponential growth even the capacity to yield dividends. You may be asking yourself what is this new asset class, what are its benefits and how can you invest in it.

The new asset class is called Kor, and it can grant you benefits unlike any other investment opportunity in any market. Kor represents 13% of the equity of a FinTech holding called Konzortia Capital, made up of companies that develop Innovative technological solutions for the financial industry as a whole. Konzotia Capital’s companies are developing a world scale technological framework with distributed ledger technologies for global transactions to take place in real time, from online banking to capital raising, investing and trading. Konzortia Capital’s distributed ledger will hold a secondary market of liquid stock-like financial assets which will be traded worldwide without restrictions, measured in an index called the New Asset Offering (NAO). This secondary market is where Kor will be traded.

This dynamic allows Kor to have the inherent benefits of a private equity, such a lower regulatory burden, higher growth potential and more flexibility, coupled with the liquidity of a public stock. The higher liquidity allows for a clear exit strategy, as you will be able to liquidate the asset as soon as the NAO takes place, which is expected to happen in about a year. As an equity, the asset has the potential of gaining your incredibly high ROI in the mid and long term, as well as a high dividend yield. At this moment, Konzortia Capital is close to releasing the MVP for its online banking platform called Novabank, and is going through a pre-seed funding stage, in which investors can buy Kor for a very low price, with amazing projections for growth.

If you’re interested in finding out more and investing in this new asset class, you can visit Konzortia Capital’s websites. What are you waiting for?

