Why Will You Consider a Luxury Rehab – Why Not?

If you are a doctor or a lawyer, you can also be an addict, even knowing the consequences. Here you need an expert and also deserve a “premium level of care”. In fact, why not? When you can afford it then why you won’t go for the best one. Here comes the need of the luxury rehab. But here you may think of celebrities lounging in the pool or luxury resort. From outside it may look like that but when you will visit these rehabs then you can understand how much more you are getting out it.


There are so many actual differences that are available on behalf or traditional and luxury rehab centres. It takes an important toll on physical and mental wellbeing.  Especially in difficult times you need to have the best so that you can gain a sustainable recovery.

The difference between a luxury rehab and a basic rehab:

  1. Amenities: Luxury rehabs are having big open spaces with wonderful landscapes and perfect buildings with a big area for ultimate relation. On the other hand, basic rehabs are having building with a requisite amount of space to monitor the patients.
  2. Locations: Mainly you will see the luxury rehabs are outside the city where you can see abundant of natural beauty out there. But the basic rehabs are simply having single ward or building with the city.
  3. Accommodations: Highly furnished rooms with private wash rooms and other suite options are available in the luxury rehabs on the other hand the basic rehabs are having double occupancy or hostel-style sleeping arrangements or a dorm.
  4. Food: Of course there will chefs and sometimes even a private chefs will be there to offer you restaurant type of food. These are healthy and brilliantly tasty in call of “A” category rehabs and other hand the basic rehabs are only having a perfect diet but no special food for a single patient is available.
  5. The number of patients: It is being seen that the luxury rehabs maintain a low volume of patients and other hand the basic rehabs are having a huge patient count.
  6. Therapist: In the luxury rehabs like Rehabilitation Center in South Kolkata are having special therapist and after care experts to offer individual assistance on every aspect but in case of basic rehabs the doctors are rotational wise and having fixed hours.
  7. Holistic approach: In case of the luxury approaches it is being seen that yoga sessions, music rooms and other group therapy sessions are being conducted whereas in the basic model there are mostly indoor activities like playing carom, watching movies etc.

Limitations Of Luxury Rehabs:

  1. Cost: This is one big factor which can not be ignored. There is a huge investment in these rehabs.
  2. Accessibility: The patients tend to think that they are actually cut off from rest of the world.
  3. Too much comfort: It is being seen that too much comfort actually ruins the physical flexibility.