Why S&P 500 Companies Are Investing In Cryptocurrency?


You may have heard the news that bitcoin is the most valued cryptocurrency in the world. Many experts believe that the valuation of this cryptocurrency is still low. They predict in the future the valuation of cryptocurrencies will raise more. It can go above $ 200,000 per coin within the next five to six years.



Not only ordinary investors but large S&P 500 indexed companies are taking benefit of this opportunity and purchasing cryptocurrency. Tesla is one such S&P 500 company that has recently purchased more than 1.25 Billion dollars’ worth of bitcoin through a free cryptocurrency trading platform.


Why cryptocurrency valuation is increasing?


In the day to day trading, no one knows the fluctuation of cryptocurrency valuation. But everyone agrees that in the long term cryptocurrency has a bright future and its valuation will contentiously go upward. The main reason behind this phenomenon is the finite availability of cryptocurrency.


It presents a lucrative opportunity in front of traders. Hence, everyone is asking how to buy a bitcoin? You may not know that bitcoin is not the only cryptocurrency. In the market, there are many cryptocurrencies available, which can give a good return on your investment.


How to get into the cryptocurrency business?


Getting into the cryptocurrency business is very easy. You just need to follow the guide to cryptocurrency trading.


  • At first, choose your cryptocurrency exchange and download its app.
  • Now you need to register with the exchange with your email or phone number.
  • Then choose a strong password for your cryptocurrency account.
  • After that, you will receive a verification email or text.
  • Upon verification, your account will be ready for cryptocurrency trading.


What advantage you will get with cryptocurrency trading?


Compared to conventional money or fiat currency, cryptocurrency is not traceable. For this reason, you don’t have to pay any tax for cryptocurrency trading. You can also make any payment anonymously through cryptocurrency. It is much more secure compared to fiat currency.


The trading information of the cryptocurrency remains on a digital ledger. You can put this ledge in a crypto wallet and carry it easily. The app for the cryptocurrency market is very easy to understand and intuitive to use.


How much return you can expect from the cryptocurrency trading


The return on investment in cryptocurrency depends on multiple factors. The first factor is how long you are going to invest in this business. You can multi-fold your investment if you increase your investment period. The more time you let your cryptocurrency mature the more return you will get from it.


Another crucial factor of cryptocurrency business is market demand. For this, you can follow free cryptocurrency trading signals. It let you know the current pricing of any cryptocurrency in the market. Buy more cryptocurrency when there is less demand and sell when the demand is high.


Smart investors understand the potential of cryptocurrency. They understand that the valuation of finite resources will increase in the future substantially. The initial investment that Tesla did has given them much more return and the valuation of this investment will rise in the future for sure.


Find more information relating to free cryptocurrency trading platform, and how to buy a bitcoin here.