Why Ramadan is it so important for Muslims?

In the Islamic calendar, Ramadan is the most important month, and Muslims must fast during this month. As fasting is one of Islam’s most important rules. Ramadan brings a lot of good things. During the month of Ramadan, many Muslims from the UK go to Makah to do Umrah. They do this by taking advantage of economy umrah packages from UK. Here are some important things about Ramadan that show how important it is to Muslims.


The revelation of the Quran in Ramadan:

The Quran was first shown to people in the blessed month of Ramadan, which is the ninth month on the Islamic Calendar. Many Muslims today call this holy month “the month of fasting.” Even though it became required to fast, it was known as the month of the Quran by the first people who followed Islam.

Laylat-al-Qadar falls in Ramadan:

Both the Holy Quran and hadith talk a lot about how important this night is. Not only is it called a blessed night in Surah al-Dukhan, but Surah al-Qadar is a whole section of the Quran that is all about it. The Night of Judgment is full of good things and better than a thousand months. It is known as the night when angels, including Jibreel AS, the angel of revelation, run down the earth. According to the description, one of the benefits of this night is that all past sins will be forgiven if you spend this night praying and doing your duties.

The fourth pillar of Islam is fasting, which means that all healthy adults must go without food and drink from Fajar sunrise to Maghreb sunset during the daytime hours of Ramadan. Through this temporary lack, they are reminded to be open to and thankful for all that God has given them, including the Qur’an, which was first given to them during this holy month. During the holy month of Ramadan, they share the hunger and thirst of the poor to remind themselves of their sacred duty to help those who are less fortunate.

High Rewards in Ramadan:

The blessed month of Ramadan is all about being patient and honest, and if you do those things, you will be rewarded. These high returns come from doing good deeds and meeting your duties as a Muslim in an honest way.
Pray for mercy and forgiveness of sins. Ramadan is a holy month, but it is also a month for being kind. Allah SWT is the most kind to everyone who believes in Him. Most Muslims would use this holy month to ask for mercy and forgiveness for any bad things they did on purpose or by accident in the past year.

Rayyan the Door of Janna for Muslims:

One of the most famous doors in Heaven is called “Rayyan,” and it is “reserved” for Muslims who fast during the holy month of Ramadan. On the Day of Judgment, those who have been honest about fasting during the holy month will enter through this door.

Umrah in December 2023 are available for Muslims who want to do Umrah in Makah during the month of Ramadan. During the holy month of Ramadan, Allah SWT grows, and the benefits of Umrah are the same as the benefits of Hajj.