Why Paso Fino Horse is the Ultimate Choice for Trail Riding?

One of the best ways to explore a countryside trail and farm is in company of a horse. However, it is important to ensure the horse is used ethically and its well-being is taken care of. Not all breeds of horses are great for riding along a trail.


One of the breeds which is perfect as trail horse is Paso Fino due to its suitable built. It is a naturally gaited horse which is light and is popular for trail riding. They have short bones and hard hooves with an evenly spaced gait which makes them perfect for trails.

Why choosing a Paso Fino horse trail riding?

This breed of horse is perfect for exploring trails and is a great outdoor companion. There are many farms and communities which take care of breeding and welfare of these horses. There are many reasons this horse is your to do go choice.

  • They have strong natural gait, hard hooves, short cannon bones and is powerful enough to carry people on their back on a trail.
  • They are suitable as trail horse as they are smooth to ride and do not have unexpected temperament issues to the riders.
  • They have great stamina and balance and hence helps in carrying one even in difficult trails.
  • The breeding for these horses are easy and there is no restriction in the same. Due to their great strength and stamina, they are even used in competition.

The breed of horse has helped many communities with different purpose. The breed of horse has a long interesting history and how its journey started from Spain and Africa into the North America basically used for import. They have strong gait, strength, and stamina and hence best for riding and trailing.

Explore and Experience a Smooth Ride

The horse is a specialized natural gait horse and hence it is a fine horse for trailing across countryside steeps and grasslands. During Columbus’s second voyage to America, he picked some fine breed of Paso Pino from Spanish provinces and gradually they spread through North America and Caribbean.

The smooth riding experience made this breed of horse a prized possession in Puerto Rico. Of all the gaited horses, the Paso Fino is known to possess the smoothest gait and makes it an incredible trail rider. They show varying degree of speed and endurance. There are different varieties of this breed and each has their own benefit.

Smooth Gait Makes it a Preferred Choice

The smoothness in the movement of a horse is largely dependent on the gait. The gait pattern is designed for is use as trail horseand gives a unique rider experience. Most of the horse breeding farms and ranch with trail exploration use this breed for smooth and effortless riding.

When the horse moves along the trail, there is less up and down jerking motion. This makes the user comfortable and makes it a great choice for trail riding. The breeding of these fine quality horses is easy and many community works together towards their welfare, support and ethical use.

Find more information relating to trail horse here.