Why Keywords Are Not Something You Need to Run behind in SEO?

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. It is one of the most important and alluring digital marketing activities because of its abundant and long term advantages compared to other types of digital marketing.


Some people execute SEO marketing campaigns on their own for their business while some prefer using the best website SEO services for all the right reasons. A majority of these people focuses on keywords regardless of the fact that they are applying search engine optimization marketing by on their own or they use the service from a trustworthy SEO company. They consider some predefined keywords and their rankings as an ultimate KPI (Key Performance Indicator). However, this should not be the case. Let’s check the top 3 reasons why you should not run behind some predefined keywords.

  1. Google does not focus on the exact match keyword approach anymore

More than a decade ago, Google used to focus on the exact match keywords. However, this is not the case anymore. Now, Google focuses more on the following factors to rank websites:

  • Quality and unique content
  • High-quality backlinks
  • Seamless user experience
  • Domain age
  • And more

Now, Google also emphasizes on phrase match keywords instead of exact match keywords. Furthermore, the invention of voice search has increased the use of different search queries, which do not match exactly with the keywords you are running behind. Thus, in the SEO marketing campaigns, it is necessary to focus on other KPIs than keywords and their ranks.

  1. This approach delivers low-quality experience to website visitors

As mentioned earlier, Google now emphasizes on high-quality content and user experience. However, if you are focusing on exact match keywords, it might get difficult for you to deliver a high-quality user experience. For example, if you run a web development company in India and focusing on the keyword “WordPress development India services”.  Using exactly the same keyword is definitely not a good approach in your SEO content writing and marketing because it will clearly show unnatural stuffing of the keywords. This will degrade the user experience. Thus, you might not be able to receive the results that you are looking for, which can be lead generation, brand awareness, etc.

  1. It does not deliver expected results

When all the SEO marketing campaigns concentrate only on keyword rankings, it gives nothing more than a blind race for that. Generally, people invest in the best website SEO services because they want to convert a predefined goal, which can be anything they want to achieve. Most commonly people aim to generate leads. Users now use multiple different search queries to find the same service or product. Thus, focusing just on the exact match keyword may not help you focus on the core goal, which is something different than ranking on the top. Even imagine yourself that you are ranking on the #1 rank for all the targeted keywords, but majorly visitors bounce back or do not spend enough time on the website. Is there any worth of it?

In a nutshell, your SEO marketing strategy needs to define other vital KPIs such as visitors, leads, etc. and not on the ranks of some keywords. Then, you will be able to get better returns.