Why India is a Popular Destination for FDA Approved Food Processing Facilities?

The Gov. Food and Safety Board (FPSB) is the primary regulator of food management in the country. However, the food management corporation (FMGC) which is a division of the FPSB is responsible for ensuring that the food facility at national level is maintained according to the safety and hygiene standards laid down by the authority. The major work of these two corporations is to monitor all food facilities across the country from the day they are opened to the time they are closed. For this, they employ a vast number of people who are experts at both the administrative as well as the technical aspects involved.


As soon as the food facility receives its license to operate, it begins production of fresh and processed foodstuffs according to government requirements. The entire process is supervised by senior officials who take every decision. The main function of the food management corporation is to provide a service which improves the nutritional quality of the staple food. The corporation also takes care of the removal of waste products and ensures that the standards of hygiene and cleanliness are maintained throughout the process of food processing. In addition to this, it provides its regular services like providing storage options for food materials to ensure the freshness of the same.

At times, it may happen that the entire scope of the work of the food management corporation may be compromised due to various reasons. This may include floods, drought, and attack on the infrastructure or simply due to lack of resources to execute the entire process. When the facility comes under attack for any of these reasons, the Govt. Food and Safety Board steps in to provide emergency support. It compensates the loss of the facility and also offers guarantees for the safety of the food in the facility till it can get back on its feet.

It is quite a well-known fact that India has huge food consumption per capita than almost all the other countries in the world. And the Govt. Food and Safety Corporation provide its continuous support for the smooth functioning of the entire food management service. This service not only ensures the safety and the hygienic conditions for the food products and other raw materials, but also provides for the necessary infrastructure facilities required for conducting the business.

In India, there are numerous food processing facilities catering to the diverse necessities of the Indian masses. The primary objective of the company is to promote the use of safe and healthy food in the everyday life of Indian citizens. The facility acquires special importance during the periods of emergencies and natural calamities such as floods, cyclones, earthquakes and fires. This is because the Govt. Food and Safety Corporation ensure the safety and security of the foodstuffs stored in the food processing facilities.

The food processing industry is a huge one. In fact, India accounts for more than 40% of the entire food production in the world. But, the scope for growth and development in this field is very restricted owing to the extreme complexity involved in the process. To overcome these challenges, the Government of India has taken a series of vital steps and today, India is one of the most favored locations for food processing.