Why Asbestos is Harmful to You: 5 Dangerous Effects of Asbestos

It was a time when asbestos was widely used for building constructions. Considering its always-available nature and other convenient features, people used to opt for it. But, a bolt from the blue occurred when the harmful effects of asbestos testing Englewood CO to the notice. The use of asbestos has been banned since then. However, a ban does not mean complete detachment from the harmful item. Even today, many houses still have it under their black mastic flooring. And many homeowners are unaware of it.


Especially, houses constructed long ago, during the 1980s or before, must be scrutinized for asbestos testing Boulder CO. It is a process that includes clear observations and tests to ensure if your construction includes asbestos or not. If by any chance, it is found positive, you may have to go for an asbestos sealing or removal process. That’s another story which I will talk about later on.

For now, let’s clear your doubts about the harmful effects of asbestos testing grand Junction CO. You, like many other homeowners, are probably not yet convinced about the cons of the material. So, let’s discuss the major harmful health effects of asbestos are.

Lung Cancer

When asbestos roams around the air, the very first thing it affects is our lungs. It can cause serious lung cancer. The carcinogens present in the material is harmful to people of all age groups.


It is a dangerous disease that can harm the lungs permanently. Permanent damage to the lungs can disturb your health and lead to death. This disease is majorly caused by asbestos.


Asbestos causes mesothelioma, which is a rare type of cancer. It not only includes chest damage but also affects the linings around the stomach. It can go severe quickly if not taken care of properly.

So, these are the harmful effects that asbestos leaves on your body. The more your body will be exposed to asbestos, the more you will be susceptible to them. So, make sure you perform asbestos testing for your residential or commercial property. It is a must if your house is old and has not been renovated throughout these years.