What Technological Advancements are Trending in Residential Security Systems?

Crimes such as murder and theft are as old as human civilization itself. The unfortunate thing is that though people are becoming more educated with time, the crime rate is increasing in many places, instead of going down. For instance, the number of burglaries registered in various states in India rose from 99,940 in 2018 to 100,897 in 2019, as per the stats published by the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB). With the incidence of such crimes also high in developed countries, people have begun taking measures to protect their homes.


To ensure better safety of people and their belongings, residential security systems are being technologically advanced. For instance, wireless solutions have emerged that allow users to put a sophisticated security system in place without the hassles of too much wiring. In addition, as they are free from wires, these systems can have more access and scanning points around the house.

Moreover, many burglars cut the wires to deactivate the system, which won’t be the case if the system has no wire, to begin with. Along with the wireless technology, residential security systems are also being integrated with internet of things (IoT) sensors to make them smart and connected. The functioning of such systems can be controlled by users even if they are far away from their house, via any internet-connected device, such as a laptop or smartphone. Additionally, many such smart systems include automation features, whereby gates and locks, for instance, activate on their own if they detect a potential intrusion.

To make these systems even better, several security companies are integrating them with predictive intelligence. This artificial intelligence (AI)-based technology has the potential to make residential security systems more responsive and scalable and faster, thereby offering improved safety for homes. Moreover, these systems learn from every event they observe and act in a better way every subsequent time. This can be a boon, as with time, even criminals are becoming more intelligent and finding new ways to breach security and break into houses.

Presently, security cameras, sensors, smart locks, security alarms, and fire sprinklers & extinguishers are being offered to keep residential units and those inside safe and secure. Among these, security cameras are the most popular among users, as they capture everything that happens in their field of vision and keep track of it for investigative and legal purposes. The high sales of security cameras are also the reason that among the various residential security solutions, viz. access control & management, audio-visual surveillance, alert system, fire protection, intercom system, and home integrated security, audio-visual surveillance is the most-widely deployed.

As all such systems and solutions are highly technologically advanced, hence quite costly, the most-productive residential security market till now has been North America. The people here are not only tech-savvy, adopting any new technology before it makes inroads in other parts of the world, but they also enjoy a higher spending power. In the coming years, the demand for such solutions is expected to witness a quick rise in Asia-Pacific (APAC), which accounts for the highest absolute crime incidence, since it is home to the most people on earth.

Therefore, technological advancements and the rising burglary incidence will keep making residential security systems popular around the world.