What Is Importance And Difference Between HTML And Text Emails

What Is Importance And Difference Between HTML And Text Emails


HTML VS Plain Text Emails
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Having an HTML email doesn’t damage your deliverability so long as you’ve got two things — a correctly coded HTML email along with a plain-text edition.

The results confirmed what we presumed: HTML emails diminished open rates. What was interesting, however, was not only were HTML emails getting lower open rates compared to their plain-text counterparts, the greater HTML-rich an email was, the reduced its open rate.

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When there are a number of broken tags in your HTML, the email provider and users may mark it as spam. That will hurt deliverability — not only for this email, but also for some other mails coming from that specific email address later on.

The mails with fewer HTML components won with statistical significance.

Plain Text Email
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Most email marketing tools will allow you to easily create plain-text email versions inside their email editor, so take the five additional minutes to create and optimize the plain-text variant of your email address. Otherwise, email providers like Gmail or Outlook may think that your email is dodgy. After undergoing different tests it’s discovered that the Plain Text version has obtained up to 25% more open rates compared to HTML. Not just the open rates, it has also gained 21% more clicks through rates in comparison with HTML emails.

What Is Importance And Difference Between HTML And Text Emails

What Is Importance And Difference Between HTML And Text Emails

What Is Importance And Difference Between HTML And Text Emails

What Is Importance And Difference Between HTML And Text Emails