What foods are best and worst for Pancreatitis?

What foods are best and worst for Pancreatitis?

The pancreas is invaluable to us. They carry out critical functions and they need to work seamlessly for us to stay hale and healthy. But, due to a variety of factors like alcohol consumption, genes, obesity, medications etc, the composition and working of the pancreas get altered, causing pancreatitis. This makes the pancreas work overtime, which may aggravate the pain and symptoms of a person already suffering from the disease.

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But, fear not, we are here. It’s possible to effectively mitigate pain with a natural, balanced diet.

We, at Ayurveda Pancreatitis Clinic, have been treating patients with pancreatitis for several years and have a 100% effective, natural diet curated for you. Let’s understand how digestion is different in a person affected with pancreatitis and go over the foods you need to take to restore proper pancreatic functioning.

How Does Digestion Happen In a Normal System?

Digestion, unless influenced by internal and external factors, happens seamlessly in a sequential manner.

Stage 1
It starts with the mouth, where saliva (a digestive juice by itself) lubricates the food for the esophagus (food pipe) to send it down to the stomach. And the stomach releases its digestive acid and enzymes, mixes them with food and sends the partially digested food to the small intestine.

Stage 2
In the small intestine, a lot is happening. The Liver’s digestive juice, called bile is emptied into it from the gallbladder (storehouse of bile), followed by the strong pancreatic enzymes such as lipase (for breaking down fat), protease (for protein) and amylase (starch destruction). Along with these the pancreas also secretes incredibly crucial hormones like insulin and glucagon which help maintain blood sugar levels. Gastrin and amylin are also produced by the pancreas which invigorates gastric acid production, and controls appetite and empty stomach promptly.

Stage 3
After mixing these juices and enzymes, food is mostly broken down, digestible nutrients absorbed directly by the small intestine, sent to the bloodstream, waste redirected and the remaining food particles sent down to the large intestine, where further digestion and nutrient absorption take place and waste is pushed to the rectum, taking about 1-2 hours.

How Does Digestion Happen In a System Affected by Pancreatitis?

Digestion in the pancreatitis body is different in certain aspects. Bile juices along with pancreatic enzymes get blocked in the bile duct by gallstones. In some cases, due to an unnatural composition in the enzymes. The pancreatic enzymes and juices, all ready to break down food, have no way of getting to the small intestine now. So, they attack the pancreas. This damages its walls, lining, and overall health.

The food is processed without essential enzymes, which leads to poor nutrient absorption, causing high-fat, foul-smelling stools.

If the patient keeps following the same diet after diagnosis, the pancreas will have to work overtime. That’s why it’s essential to consume food that is light on fat, carbs and sugars, so the pancreas can start healing.

Precautions To Take In The Diet

Monitoring food intake is the first step in recovering from pancreatitis. The trick is to eat smaller, moderated portions that are high in essential nutrients, so the body gets its basic nutrient requirements met and also has the strength to heal the ailing pancreas. A balanced diet is the key here.

Since pancreatitis patients run a high risk of diabetes, the diet also needs to be low sugar, low fat and low refined carbs. Here are dos and don’ts to be followed religiously.

Do’s of Pancreatitis Diet

Everything fresh, homegrown and green: veggies and fruits.
Nutrient-rich, easy to digest Dal like Navrangi Dal and Gahat Dal.
Whole grains such as millets, red rice, Amaranth, barley, jowar etc.
Plant based, no fried food
Non-vegetarians: lean meats and home cooked fish
Amla with diluted buttermilk works wonders
Turmeric powder to be consumed in different forms
Fat-free yogurt, fresh juices are allowed
Coconut, coconut oil can be added in the diet
Sweet potato is rich in antioxidants and need to be consumed
Cauliflower and cabbage can be cooked and consumed.

Dont’s of Pancreatitis Diet

All deep fried food
High fat dairy products: cream, milk, fat cheese etc.
All processed food, including meat
Mayonnaise, high fat dips
Desserts and pastries are a huge no-no
Too much fiber is not advisable, to be taken with physician’s guidance.

FAQ’s about Pancreatitis Diet

Is it safe to consume dairy products if I have pancreatitis?
In many cases, dairy products may aggravate pancreatitis symptoms due to their high fat content. It’s advisable to opt for low-fat or fat-free dairy alternatives to reduce strain on the pancreas. However, individual tolerance varies, so consulting a healthcare professional or dietitian is recommended to determine suitable dairy options.

Can I include rice in my meals if I have pancreatitis?
Rice is generally considered safe and easily digestible for individuals with pancreatitis. Opting for white or brown rice in moderate portions can be a part of a pancreatitis-friendly diet. Ensure it’s well-cooked and not prepared with excessive fats or spices.

Are salads advisable for individuals with pancreatitis?
Salads can be beneficial for pancreatitis as they often contain fresh vegetables, offering essential nutrients and fiber. However, avoid high-fat dressings or ingredients that might trigger symptoms. Opt for low-fat dressings and avoid seeds or nuts in salads to prevent irritation to the pancreas.

Do we need to continue taking pancreatic enzymes after starting Ayurvedic treatment?
No. Pancreatic enzymes supplements are withdrawn from the very first day of starting Ayurvedic treatment. Patients who undergo the one year long Ayurvedic treatment do not need to take enzymes again.

Although there are restrictions in the diet, there’s always room for innovative ways of healthy cooking that bring about immense taste. Steering clear of carbs, sugars and fats can reduce the workload of the pancreas while consuming nutrient-dense wholesome food ensures proper nourishment to the entire body. You need a proper diet and high-quality treatment to recover from pancreatitis. We, at BBS Ayurveda, have been treating pancreatitis patients for 40+ years with seasoned physicians, natural medicine and therapeutics. Book an appointment with us here to get started on pain-free, natural healing. We’d love to help you.

Source: Do’s and Don’ts of Pancreatitis Diet