What Are the Requirements For Buying EU Citizenship?

It is important that when you are buying an EU citizenship, you are aware of what it means. An EU citizenship is basically the same as having citizenship in the country where you were born or had a legal right to nationality in. An Irish passport, for instance, is actually an EU passport with respect to Ireland. A British passport is not a valid EU citizenship by itself but can be used as one if you are an EU citizen or associate (someone who has also acquired the rights to EU citizenship through their country of birth).


There are several ways you can acquire an EU citizenship. You can choose to be born in the EU country where you currently reside or have citizenship. You can also acquire citizenship by naturalization through a country of your choice after three years of residence. In this case, you will be granted a permanent residency card after three years. The rights you enjoy are the same as those of a British or American citizen however there are differences between these two in the area of nationality.

The issue of descent only arises when one’s parents are EU citizens. If either of your parents was a EU citizen during your birth then you can claim citizenship even if you were not born in the EU. However, if either of your parents was not a EU citizen during your birth, you may have to go through the naturalization process. This process is often referred to as dint of right of blood or dint of adoption. If either of your parents was not a EU citizen at the time of your birth then you will be required to go through the adoption process.

One of the benefits of being entitled to a passport that allows you to become a EU citizen is that you can use it to prove your relations with your grandparents in the past. If you were adopted and at some point became a citizen of another country, you may be able to use this as proof of your heritage. You will still need to provide proof of your naturalization though such as proof of residence and proof of descent. However, you will be able to use your passport for this purpose.

There are several requirements you must meet in order to apply for EU citizenship. You must have at least five years of residence in an EU country. This means you must have been a resident of that country for at least five full years. You must also have the same nationality as your parents for at least five years. If you do not meet any of these requirements then you will have to use the naturalization process.

Requirements for naturalization include: evidence of your relationship with the EU member state, evidence of your age, and your consent to appear in official proceedings. You must provide a copy of your original birth certificate. If you have applied for citizenship of another EU country you will need your application form from that country. There is no proof of your residence in another country and proof of descent must be from at least two parent’s. If you meet the above requirements and you choose to purchase EU citizenship then you will be able to apply for citizenship of member state of your choice.
