What are the Different Types of Basement Drainage Channels

Most homeowners love to have a basement in their homes. A basement, after all, helps to increase the space and make your home more durable and attractive to the buyers or guests. But, amidst the love for basements, people often forget about the basement drainage channels. basement drainage channels Milton PA and maintenance is a vital factor for homes with a basement.


Drainage helps to direct the water flow away from home. Otherwise, the water accumulated from rain or other aspects within the property can damage the property badly. From leakage to flooding anything can happen.

So, it is highly important to take care of the basement drainage systems. If you are repairing the channels, repair them carefully. And if you are opting for a new foundation drainage installation, you must hire reliable experts who offer the best quality installation service. Every aspect of it is important.

Well, before you learn about basement drainage repair and installation, you must know the common types of drainage channels for your basement at home.

Here are the types mentioned below:

French drain- Whenever the context of basement drainage channels comes, French drains are the very first type mentioned by most people. It includes perforated pipes to remove the groundwater and surface water as per requirement.

Floor drain-Indoor floor drains capture overflowing water from the sinks, toilets, tubs, water heaters, etc. On the contrary, outdoor floor drains help to absorb water caused due to heavy rainfall.

Curtain drain-it is the most appropriate type of drainage for the water accumulated in the yard. If not cleared, this water can cause flooding in the area. Well, this drainage system requires some digging in the yard. So, you need to be ready for an invasive process.

Sump pumps-If your house is in a storm-prone area, a sump pump is the best option for basement drainage installation. It pumps out the water from the pit keeping the home dry. Two types of sump pumps are available in the market. One is the hidden submersible sump pump and another one is the mounted pedestal sump pump.

So, which one would you like to choose for your home? Consider your requirement and opt for the best type of basement drainage channels.