What Are The Different Types Of Asbestos Identified In Different Places And Their Features?

Did you come across the presence of asbestos in your home during mold removal? If that is the case then it is essential to get them removed with the help of a mold removal Oakland CA expert. It is because you might not have enough experience required for identifying the type of asbestos and the place where it is hidden. Since experts are dealing with them for years, just like mold removal, they will perform the asbestos removal service as well. However, anytime it is better to have knowledge of types of mold removal San Mateo CA for self-detection.


Top Three Different Types Of Asbestos Identified In Different Places And Their Features

Chrysotile Asbestos Or Usual Asbestos

The asbestos found in the olden days is known as chrysotile asbestos removal San Francisco CA. It is not considered to be as dangerous as the other types of asbestos. The main reason for its use of it is heat resistance which is found often in the ceiling, walls, roofs, etc. It is considered dangerous only because it has been linked to one of the serious diseases like cancer to be more specific mesothelioma cancer.

Amosite Asbestos Found In Cement Sheets

Amosite asbestos is also known as brown asbestos which is used in cement as well as during the insulation of pipes. Also, another reason for its usage is because it acts as a barrier to noise. The material is completely soundproof and also used to prevent condensation. However, its downside is that it is linked to lung cancer due to which its use is prohibited.

Crocidolite Asbestos Releasing Toxic Fibers

Crocidolite asbestos is also known as blue asbestos and is known for being brittle. Since it is brittle it tends to easily release asbestos fibers into the toxic atmosphere. Asbestos was usually used only in the old steam engine insulation, plastics, etc. Moreover, studies have shown that the miners of this asbestos have suffered from mesothelioma at some point in time or another.

Now you have an idea about the common types of asbestos you might find at any place in your house. Some of them may even be present in the flooring. All you have to do is get asbestos removal service from experienced members who know what is to be done when.