What Are The Different Characteristics Of The Outer Protective Cover Of The Pillow?

Just like the inner material of the pillow matters, the exteriors are also equally essential. The exterior covering of the goose pillows or down pillows protects them from damage. Without it, the overfilled cotton mattress pad cover is bound to get even fungus due to moisture presence. It acts as a barrier shielding the goose-down filled pillows or goose feather pillows from dirt and dust. So, let’s have a look at the vital characteristics of a good quality feather pillow company.

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Top Three Characteristics Of The Outer Protective Cover Of The Pillows


The first vital characteristics are the durability of the pillow covering. Since it is the outermost part of the pillow, it is more prone to wear and tear. The only way to avoid damage to the exterior of the pillow is to get a lasting material. Moreover, just like the pillow, its covering too should be soft to touch.


A good-quality pillow cover would always be made up of antimicrobial material. It is essential to protect the filling from the growth of bacteria and fungus. Some of the materials available in the market are naturally antimicrobial while most of them are just treated like that chemically. No matter what, make sure that you only get a pillow that has an anti-microbial covering.

Cleaning Requirements Of The Pillow Cover

Even the pillow covers need cleaning sometimes and most of them have the cleaning specifications mentioned on the pillow itself. Some of them can be cleaned with simple machine wash while others might require dry cleaning. So, make sure you also read the cleaning specifications of the pillowcase. Without proper cleaning forget about the interiors, the exterior of the pillow too won’t last.

These are some of the notable characteristics of the pillow covering that you should look for. Irrespective of whether it is feather pillows or down pillows its covering should have all the above-mentioned characteristics. So always buy a pillow which has not just quality interiors but also exteriors. The better you choose the longer and more durable your pillows would be.