What Are the Benefits of Taking Fish Oil?

Fish oil is one of the most common dietary supplements obtained from fatty fish such as trout, salmon, and sardines. Fish oil is rich in omega 3 fatty acids, vitamin A and vitamin D. All of these nutrients are important for your health. According to research, nearly 8% of people take it in the form of a supplement. If you are curious about the benefits of fish oil, don’t worry. This article has a range of possible health benefits associated with taking fish oil supplements daily.


Fish Oil

Fish oil is the fat extracted from oily or fatty fish. Commonly, it is obtained from herring, mackerel, and tuna. It is also obtained from the liver of fish called cod liver oil. The omega 3 present in fish has many health benefits. Fish oil benefits bodybuilding and protects against several diseases. According to health specialists, if you don’t eat enough fish per week, you should consume supplements that can help you get enough omega 3. The omega 3 found in fish, such as EPA and DHA, are more beneficial for health than the plant-sourced omega 3s, which is mainly ALA.

10 Benefits of Fish Oil

Support heart health

Fish oil has been proven to improve heart health. It reduces blood pressure and lowers blood fats. Consuming fish oil prevents plaques from forming in arteries and maintains HD: cholesterol.

Boost bone density

While ageing, bones begin to lose essential minerals, resulting in weak bones. Weak bones lead to conditions like osteoarthritis. Omega 3 fatty acids are as essential for bones as vitamin D and calcium. People with a higher intake of fish oil have better bone density.

Improve eye health

Like the brain, the eyes also get many benefits from omega 3s. People with a deficiency of omega 3s have a higher risk of eye diseases. Consuming fish oil, especially in old age improves vision.

Keep you physically fit

The omega 3s in the fish oil help to stimulate muscle protein growth and decline muscle mass in men and women. Research has shown that it affects weight management as it stimulates the parts of the brain that control food intake.

Improve brain health

According to a study, fish oil has shown improved cognitive performance in adults. Consuming it daily can keep your brain sharp and healthy.

Aid weight loss

Obesity can increase the risk of many diseases of the heart. Fish oil supplements, in combination with exercise and a healthy diet, can help you in your weight loss journey.

Reduce inflammation

Chronic inflammation is associated with many diseases and premature ageing. The two types of omega 3s in fish oil, EPA and DHA, are known to help lower inflammation.

Help during pregnancy

Omega 3s found in fish oil are essential for the early development and growth of the foetus. Doctors suggest the pregnant mothers get enough omega 3s during pregnancy and also while breastfeeding. The fish oil supplements improve hand and eye coordination in babies and improve their IQ.

Reduce depression

Fish oil reduces postpartum depression and treats various conditions, including post-traumatic depression, dementia, schizophrenia, memory loss etc.

Lower the risk of asthma

Asthma can cause shortness of breath and swell in the lungs. It is more common in infants. According to studies, fish oil reduces the symptoms of asthma. These supplements in pregnant women may reduce the risk in babies.


Omega 3s have many benefits for health. They reduce inflammation, prevent heart diseases, and keep the brain healthy and functioning. Fish is the best source of getting omega 3s. Eating a whole fish is always better as eating fish twice a week can provide you with enough omega 3s you need for a healthy lifestyle. Fish is a great source of omega 3s. However, some people cannot eat it regularly. That said, fish supplements are a great alternative and work well.