Website Security Audits – One Stop Security Solution For The Website Owners

The safety of the web is an endless battle for a large number of website owners. It is a battle caused by numerous treacherous viruses. Security assessment lexington ky for your website is not something to negotiate, and it is where many website owners are getting it wrong. Some think that it is only for websites with a transaction base. Every website is prone to the dangers of the world. Website owners must give security the maximum website attention, just like the operation of the site. There are numerous accepted ways of securing your website, and the widely used method is website security audit.


Website security audit lexington ky scrutinizes the applications, pages, and servers of your website to identify the probable weaknesses and vulnerabilities of your website security that can make hackers cause some severe problems. The website security audit pinpoints all the website security issues, including the SQL and Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) injection. It helps you secure your website in the best possible way. The good thing with a security audit is that it will not hamper with the visitors from getting access to the website. Visitors can land on the web pages and do their desired pieces of stuff without any obstruction from the auditing process.

A larger number of people refer third party security audits in several significant chances and on an annual basis, and this is more than ideal recommendation. A periodic check is necessary to check the likely changes and vulnerabilities that might have occurred between the frequent checks. This indeed ensures that any loophole that happens will not have enough time to widen. Website Security Audit is a fast and straightforward susceptibility way of identifying the exact weak point in a better way, examines the possible level of risk, and give out the solution for the issue.

Website security audit lexington ky entails six simple steps. Firstly, the vulnerability valuation scan starts with a port scan. Any other available services in the ports of the website such as SQL, FTP, and we are scrutinized, and any open ports are identified promptly.  In addition, after that, a Vulnerability Scan is performed to detect the services available at each open port. Services available and their configurations are matched with the vulnerability database to find the possible ones, and then a functional test is then run to pinpoint existing weak spots.

The follows is a thorough scanning of each web page to examine the vulnerability in entry points. Detailed reports of all risks encountered through the entire process with the severity associated are presented to the owners. Along with these reports and recommendations about strengthening the security of the website, as a website owner, you will guide your staff in the direction of safe and proper actions and carry out the rectification process. In the end, a security certificate is provided to the website owners, making the security tagline look more realistic and a hundred percent secure.

If you wish to secure your website and build trust on your website visitors, then website security audit is the ideal solution.


Find more information relating to security assessment lexington ky, and security audit lexington ky here.