Want to reduce your chances of lung cancer? Here are four steps

Over 400,000 Americans living today have been diagnosed with lung cancer at some point in their lives. There is no guaranteed way to prevent lung cancer, but there are definitely plenty of ways for you to reduce your chances of getting it.

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Quit smoking:

If you are smoking currently, you need to stop. Quitting smoking reduces your risk of developing lung cancer to a great extent. Although it is not that easy to quit, it might take around seven to ten tries for most people. Do not get discouraged, but instead, get help. Make sure to discuss with your doctor methods that can help you quit.

Avoid secondhand smoke:

If you are living or working with a smoker, it is important that you urge them to quit. If they are still unable to quit, ask them to smoke outside. Make sure to avoid areas where people smoke.

Consume more fruits and vegetables:

Studies have reported that when one chooses to consume more fruits and vegetables on a daily basis, it can greatly help in reducing the chances of developing lung cancer in smokers as well as former smokers. There is no specific fruit or vegetable that can be considered “better” at curing cancer. You can consume a variety of fruits and vegetables if you want to prevent your chances of cancer.

Avoid exposure to carcinogens:

If you are being exposed in your workplace to harmful carcinogens such as asbestos, it can increase your chances greatly of developing lung cancer. The chances are much greater if you smoke. Hiring asbestos encapsulation abc fiberlock can help one get rid of this problem.

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