Flatback syndrome is a complicated situation where the spine loses the natural curvature. Resultantly, it makes a spine curvy, and a person can’t stand straight. Generally, the curvy shape of the spine is known as S-shaped. Nevertheless, Curves play an imperative role in maintaining your body’s balance and enable your spine to function properly.
However, Flatback syndrome is an acutely painful condition and imbalances your lower spine. A person with Flatback syndrome symptoms faces serious issues in standing straight and leaning forward.
How to Prevent Flatback Syndrome?
Undoubtedly, pain causes discomfort in life, but exercises and preventive measures can help mitigate the throbbing pain. A person with a flat spine should start strengthening and stretching exercises because they are quite effective in diminishing a flat spine’s likelihood. The hamstring is considered one of the most effective exercises that not balance your body but keep it in good shape.
Additionally, abdominal stretches are also effective in getting rid of the flatback syndrome. However, it is strongly recommended to start any exercises after proper consultation with an experienced and professional spine surgeon.
Here in the present discussion, we have brought together some helpful exercises that strengthen the core and give strength to the neck, buttocks, and back.
· Widen And Bend Hamstrings
You can do it in different ways, including;
· Stand straight and then bend for a while. Your hands must be touching feet or ground.
· Good massage therapy is helpful. It is extremely beneficial in relaxing the hamstrings.
· Hamstring foam roll, an effective movement for releasing the hamstrings. It can work effectively on any tight areas of the body’s muscles.
Stretching and flexing the hamstrings could be advantageous but start these exercises after a complete consultation with your surgeon.
· Strengthen The Core
If you truly intend to toughen or strengthen the muscles, then try these exercises including:
· Plank
· The bird dog: Put your hands below the shoulders & position your knees below the hips. Start moving your right and left arm simultaneously. Remember, it is quite important to keep your hips and shoulders parallel to the floor. Try to repeat the procedure 3 to 4 times and hold a similar position for around 30 seconds.
If you can’t repeat this exercise multiple times, then it’s perfectly alright to try these exercises once a day.
· Toughen The Iliopsoas
Use a chair for this exercise. Just sit on a chair and break in place. Lift-up your feet off the floor in this way; you can raise the knees towards your head. The iliopsoas is the key muscle used for this exercise.
Final Words
Flatback syndrome can harm your healthy lifestyle, so it is preferable to treat it timely. If you have pain in the neck, shoulder, or lower back, we recommend you take it seriously.
You can try any of the exercises we mentioned above. But for better and prompt results, it is suggested to schedule an appointment with the professional surgeon. Remember, health comes first, so don’t take it for granted.
Source Url: https://medium.com/@harrylouis1122/want-to-prevent-flat-back-syndrome-try-these-exercises-af3bbb45e7b