Virtual Reality – The Great Escape?

When dealing with reality, several questions come to mind. For instance, is this something our mental computer generates? It often becomes more complicated to tell the difference between real reality and computer-generated or simulated virtual reality.


The use of film and fictional literature comes with more potential of stirring your imagination. It often gives a beautiful escape from the stress in the present world. This is well-established forms of interactive experiences but with so much for older ways. Presently, the new electronically stimulated reality is increasing. So are you falling from the cotemporary great escape?


It is known that most forms of entertainment offer a huge platform for business, with enhanced developments in Smartphone technology and headsets, various lower-cost virtual reality for training products provide for the ready market. This also yields an ever-increasing audience. Numerous young people and children are experiencing severe additions to computer games and other different ways of absorbing leisure. People with mild and obsessive-compulsive personality traits are now finding themselves hooked by fascinations. Some people cannot merely tear themselves from this form of entertainment. Moreover, it is more of like dealing with psychological forces that work to control the minds of both young and old.


Among the most crucial issues is escapism. This is the sense that virtual interactive experiences provide people with the freedom to explore new worlds and experiences. This world helps them feel free from routine social or ethical responsibilities. The newly created realities and vast possibilities of exploration come with an enormous appeal. Well, they were designed for you to explore. However, the big question is what? From a personal perspective, virtual reality is the door that is being thrown open ever for minds to enter new regions that appeal to human fallen independence from God.

One of the enormous problems that our first parents Adam and Eve experienced when they went against the absolute rule from the Almighty God was their independence was created by themselves. This came at the same time, introducing a reality without chart or compass. This made them like gods, existing for their own self-created goals to fulfill. However, this was also an abnormal reality, rather than being free; they had to live under the hold displeasure of God. This also meant that they were trapped under the judgment of God with nowhere to escape.


The first parents also realized that they were condemned to grief, decay, sorrow, and even death. In this new reality, we often encounter new pearls of wisdom that showcase the depth of human creativity and innovation. The facts also attempt to bring humanity to the realm of self-deification. For the first parents, what they thought was freedom became bondage to their perverted fantasies. They also had hopes that it would be a great escape.

Among the most significant challenges, contemporary thinkers seem that historical biblical Christianity touches actual reality at the deepest level. This is mainly because it has a coherent set of solutions for knowledge basis, personal being, love, truth, meaning, for gully and forgiveness, which goes beyond determinism of genetics and electrochemistry. This also answers for life and death, the origin of supernatural, a creator of all things, for broken personalities and broken world, and a purposeful origin of humanity.


The final answer is graciously given in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. He took the willing terrible liabilities of obstinate rebels and died bearing the penalty of sin delivering the captives.

Certainly, it is only in Christ that we find full and final freedom. Here you are free from bondage, from guilt and evil freedom powers. These results in the freedom to do God’s will (perfect freedom).


Find more information relating to interactive experiences, and virtual reality for training here.