Trying to Lose Weight? Try These 5 Mouth-Watering Soups

Those love handles look so bad. Nothing from your wardrobe, the royal blue jeans, the red sleeveless top or even your white wedding gown, fits you any longer. Losing weight is the only way to wear these dresses. Along with regular walk and light-hand exercises, you should take great care of what you are eating. This is the context where light, luscious soups perfectly fit in.


Soups are rich in nutrients and flavors but low in fat and calorie. They keep you full for hours while supplying the right nutrients to your body. It will be wrong to assume that these soups are bland. On the other hand, they are truly yummy and will pump up your insane craving for extra helping. If you are looking for scrumptious spreads while being on weight loss mission, give these 5 simple soups a try.

Vegetable Soup: Avoid underground vegetables. Choose whatever you like to eat.Take fresh vegetables. Wash them thoroughly, cut them with a sharp knife and boil the big chunks into salt-added water. Adding garlic or pepper will make your soup yummier. Vegetable soup is high in fiber.

Cabbage Soup: Cabbage is the star in this soup. However, there are several character artists playing their part to perfection. Cabbage soup is a mélange of colors and flavors. Too tempting to resist! Add peas, carrot, and capsicum of all colors. Use pressure cooker to boil these vegetables. Make a fine paste of the boiled vegetables in your blender. Avoid using corn flour to thicken the paste. Add a pinch of salt and pepper to the broth.

Chicken Soup: Oh, the lovely, soupy delicacy! Chicken, unlike red meat, is good for health. Cut chicken into small pieces and boil them with a little bit of salt. Strain the soup and sprinkle pepper powder. If you want, you can use a few choicest vegetables such as carrot, peas etc to make the soup more flavorful and nutrients-rich.

Green Vegetable Soup: Green vegetables are dense with fiber. It is now an established fact that fiber promotes faster weight loss. You can use butter, ghee and palm oil in this soup. A pinch of salt is a must and that’s enough. Salt helps in water retention. Tofu is a very nutritious vegetable that you can add to this soup. A little red chili flakes, pepper and dark soy sauce will enhance flavor; so try these if you wish.

Carrot and Cauliflower Soup: It looks so appealing. The yellow-orange color with thick texture and flavors – what more you want to go gaga over it? And after you take a sip? You can hardly stop yourself from asking for another bowl. White cream topping does a magic to both color and taste. It is the superstar addition to flavor up the presentation. Both carrot and cauliflower are good sources of vitamin C. Add yogurt for extra protein and thick texture. Dry-roasted pumpkin seeds will make the soup denser with nutrients.

Nutritional counseling in Boca Raton will give you a diet chart according to your body weight and health conditions. In all likelihood, a variety of soups will appear on the list.