Treat Insomnia Naturally

Medicine can be good for certain things, but it cannot be always a good solution for curing sleeping disorders or insomnia. These prescription pills can make the condition even worse. Sleeping pills or any medicine inducing sleep might make you sleep but it is not necessarily the best kind of sleep that soothes your mind and restore your body. However, the ongoing trend to get the help of pills for sleeping has become a common practice among individuals which leads to the development of a habit and addiction to the pill. It becomes even harder to asleep without these medicines. Therefore, before jumping into any such prescription medication one should follow the natural cure, natural remedies, or follow a natural cycle of sleep.


Some of the natural ways to enjoy peaceful sleep are:

Lifestyle Changes


Doing Yoga regularly for at least 30 minutes can bring positivity and boost sleep. It relaxes your mind and reduces any kind of stress. Enhances mental health, and improves concentration.


Following a regular exercise, schedule improves overall health. Boosts energy, enhances mood, reduces weight, and helps to get a good sleep.


Meditation has enormous health benefits. It improves mental health, reduces stress, improves focus, and boosts immunity. It makes the mind quiet thereby helping to get sound sleep.

Healthy Food

What we eat directly affects our health. Eating healthy food improves body functioning, and manages weight and diseases. Eating magnesium-rich food is suggested as it is a natural sedative and helps in sleeping. Magnesium deficiency can result in problems in sleeping. Also, eating Melatonin rich food regulates the sleep-wake cycle and will help follow a natural sleep pattern.

Soothing Music

Listening to music soothes the mind, and makes it calm and tension free. Many people benefit from following this method.

Sleep Environment:

  • Make sure that the sleeping environment is calm, cozy, pleasant, and relaxing.
  • The mattress and pillows are comfortable.
  • The lights are off, room temperature is not so cool or not so hot it should be comfortable.
  • Wear comfortable clothes, earplugs, and an eye mask.

Regular Sleeping Schedule

Follow a regular sleeping schedule for a minimum of 7 days and make a habit to follow it. Go to bed and wake at the same time every day.

Light Therapy

If a person has delayed sleep-phase syndrome then they may require light therapy. They need more light in the morning to wake up. Light plays an important role to sleep and waking up on time as it controls the melatonin secretion in the body which helps in getting good sleep.

Behavioral Therapy

This is also a natural way, if treatment requires a therapist who keeps a check on your behavior pattern, follows your thoughts, and finally builds a Conclusion of what is contributing negatively to your sleeping pattern.


  • Take a warm shower before going to bed, it will relax the body and provide better sleep.
  • Do relaxation exercises before going to sleep like rotating hands, fetes, and neck. It relaxes the body muscles and helps in sleeping.
  • Go to bed when you feel sleepy, get out of bed when you don’t feel like sleeping, and do some relaxing things like reading to make yourself sleep.
  • Keep a journal to write all your worries so that you can get rid of your stress and tension and sleep better.
The Don’ts:
  1. Avoid unhealthy food like caffeine, alcohol, nicotine, sugar, and chocolate, as all these cause insomnia by disrupting the healthy sleeping pattern.
  2. Don’t drink caffeine like tea, coffee, or soft drinks afternoon or close to bedtime. This can affect your sleep by making you awake late at night.
  3. Avoid heavy meals, and oily and spicy food at night.
  4. Don’t use your mobile, computer, or TV, late at night as it makes it harder to fall asleep.
  5. Avoid taking naps during the daytime as it affects the regular sleeping pattern.
  6. In most cases following a good attitude and minding a healthy lifestyle relieves insomnia as all these are purely natural. However, if the case is severe, it lasts for more days or weeks or even can last two months and requires medical consultation. Therefore, one should immediately contact a expert and start with medications.

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