Are you still formulating your cattle diet using older recommendations? It isn’t a hidden fact that cows nowadays are producing much more milk than they use 20 years back. So, to improve cattle milk production and improve cattle health, adequate use of trace vitamin and mineral bolus can do wonders. For more info about stainless steel bolus, transition calcium boluses, reduce scc in cattle click here.
There are several boluses like transition calcium boluses, antioxidant boluses, stainless steel bolus, and, surgical grade stainless steel bolus, available in the market. The overall aim of these trace supplementation is to improve overall health and milk production by reducing SCC in dairy cattle.
Why are trace mineral supplements vital for modern dairy cows?
Trace minerals are available in varied forms of boluses like oral calcium bolus and genetic bolus, zinc, manganese, cobalt, etc. Each of these trace mineral boluses aims to improve cattle health.
Zinc- this is a primary mineral that provides a rapid response to inflammation, to curb them. So, the cattle can efficiently use nutrients, to improve overall health and milk production. It helps in:
•protein synthesis,
•keratin formation,
•immune function and
•insulin function.
Manganese – it is another vital trace mineral that aids:
•cartilage formation,
•immune function,
•reproduction and
Copper – the next vital trace mineral that is responsible for:
•melanin pigment formation,
•ATP production,
•iron absorption and
•metabolic function.
Cobalt – it improves cattle efficiency for fiber digestion, as it is a component of vitamin B12 production.
This is – how to lower SCC in dairy cows. These trace mineral supplements aids to reduce SCC in cattle, especially zinc ones and improve cattle milk production.
Trace mineral formulation for modern-day cattle
Modern-day formulations consist of higher zinc, manganese, and cobalt, with lower copper levels. These premium-grade formulations are available in varied forms. You need to buy dairy bolus, as these tend to improve cattle performance and includes:
•9% greater feeding
•35% lowers lameness
•5.5% increase in pregnancy rate
•20% reduce SCC in cattle rate
It is the right formulation, to reduce mammary gland inflammation and to improve gut health as well. In this way, the cattle can use nutrients and energy saved to increase milk production and their overall well-being.