Top three signs indicating that your business needs to hire a lawyer

Running a business is definitely not so easy, and it requires a lot of time, effort, and dedication. Along with the experience and knowledge that is required for running a business, there can be legal complications as well. This is why businesses hire business lawyers. An estate planning attorney in Brenham TX helps a business in several ways, including protecting them from lawsuits, and if you are running a huge business, it is important to have a business attorney. Here, we will look at some of the best reasons.

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There is no written agreement between you and your business partners:

This is one of the worst mistakes that entrepreneurs make. Sometimes they assume that they can get away with not having an agreement with their business partners just because they are friends or know each other well. Partners can leave anytime and friendships end, and as your business grows, it is important that you always remember this. Sometimes you may find yourself in a bad situation without a shareholder’s agreement or an associate agreement. Thus, always get one professionally drafted.


As a business owner, you need to keep in mind that taxes are going to be much more complicated compared to when one is an employee. When you are an employee, your employer covered part of your taxes while the rest is taken out of your paycheck automatically. However, when you are the employer, you will need to take care of a lot of things, for which you need a business attorney.

You are renting new offices:

You may have found the perfect office to rent. But before you sign, it is important to have a business attorney go over the lease to determine what clauses should be added, or if anything needs to be modified.

If you are looking for a business lawyer in Brenham, Texas, you should get in touch with The Bunger Law Firm. Visit for more information. The firm is known to work tirelessly for its clients. Whether you require a family lawyer, or an estate planning lawyer, you will receive the best services.