Top Benefits Of Using Good Quality Fountain Ink Pen

If you remember your school days, then you certainly do remember fountain pens. Earlier, these pens were only known for smudged writing and stained hands. But today they are not the same. You will find some top companies still manufacturing state-of-the-art fountain pens.

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Once if you are used to writing with a fountain-pen, then you may never want to use a ballpoint in your lifetime. That is the level of experience you get when using a quality Ink pen.


  • A lot of people use fountain-pens when learning calligraphy
  • The pen tends to offer a much better grip as compared to ball-points
  • A fountain-pen will last longer as compared to any ordinary ball-point


There are several reasons why one may only prefer using a quality fountain pen. Some reasons you can be read below.


  • Improved hand-writing


For many, hand-writing is a choice. This means that some people may always put in a lot of effort to improve and maintain their handwriting.


This is only possible if they are making use of a standard quality pen. Ink pen will always top the list when it comes to maintaining good handwriting. Unlike ballpoints, a fountain ink pen will help you maintain a very consistent writing pattern.


  • Matter of style


Even in the present time, fountain pens are considered as a mark of style. Having a premium quality ink pen in your pocket is considered a personal icon. You will come across many people who may never forget to clip a good quality ink pen in their pocket when going out.


For others, ink pen is the best tool they can use for signing all legal and important documents this type of pen is still considered as one of the best writing tools a man can buy. If you are used to writing a lot then it is certain you may only want a good quality ink pen.


  • Reminds you of traditional days


Do you still have your first ink pen in your collection? Many people often do not want to lose the first ink pen that was gifted to them by someone special. Some may not even want to lose the first collection of fountain pen ink set as well.


This is not the case with ballpoint pens. No matter how expensive ballpoint you use, you may not want to keep the same as your lifetime collection. But ink pens have always been a collection item for many.


  • Life span


Once you invest money in a good quality ink pen, you may want to use it for years. This is true, but it is not the same with any ballpoint. You will have to replace the ballpoint once the ink has been used up.


But if you are using an ink pen then you can refill the ink back again. This is one reason that ink pens will last for your lifetime. You may not have this benefit when using ballpoints.


You can always look around for the best fountain pens Melbourne dealer and then buy your standard quality pen.


As compared to ballpoints, ink pens have always been considered as more luxurious options. You could have one only if you can afford it.


Find more information relating to fountain pen, and fountain pen ink here.