Top 3 Google Tools for Best Website SEO Marketing

SEO marketing is inevitable these days. From generating awareness about a cause to increase lead generation; for different goals, businesses and individuals practice SEO marketing. SEO marketing is not as it was a decade ago. Many things have changed and now, the ranking algorithms have become more complicated and demanding. Thus, an SEO expert needs to learn about:

  • Latest changes in the Google algorithm
  • Major ranking factors
  • Strategy to devise a result-oriented SEO plan
  • Performing website optimization
  • Performing off page optimization
  • Performing content marketing
  • Reviewing key performance indicators
  • Fine-tuning the SEO plan to gain better results

As you can see, SEO marketing is more strategic and intelligent. To take care of all the above-mentioned activities SEO professionals need to use different SEO tools.

Whether you are working in a digital marketing company that offers the best website SEO services or if you perform SEO marketing for your own business or site, you need to use different SEO tools at different stages.

The SEO tools are available as free and paid tools. In this article, I will explain three reliable SEO tools, which are offered by Google for free:

  1. Page Speed Insight – Google Developers

Google has made it mandatory to have a website that loads faster on any device. It means page load speed and website load speed are important ranking factors. There are many SEO tools available for free and paid.

Page Speed Insight is one of the tools offered to SEO experts to effectively plan their SEO marketing campaigns. It gives the score of the website load speed for a mobile device and a computer/laptop. The score given is out of 100 along with remarks and suggestions. It gives development side suggestions, which can help reducing the page load time to score better and rank higher.

  1. Google Search Console

Earlier known as Google Webmaster is an amazing tool for any webmaster to keep eye on multiple key performance indicators such as:

  • Number of indexed pages
  • Number of outbound links
  • Number of inbound links
  • Search performance aka ranks for different keywords
  • And other performance indicators

It also shows important information such as:

  • Issues with pages that not allow them to get indexed
  • 404 errors
  • Broken links
  • Malware on the site
  • Any manual action was taken by the Google team
  • And more

It helps in monitoring the results of website SEO services as well as in taking certain actions to improve SEO results.

  1. Google Analytics

It is a well-known SEO tool offered by Google, which is used to examine the performance of SEO marketing campaigns. The sole use of this platform is to show details of visitors’ traffic on a website. There are many peculiar details given in these reports in different forms such as graphical, tabular, etc.

Some of the important criteria shown by this SEO tool are:

  • Channel-wise traffic
  • Best performing pages
  • Bounce rate
  • Geography-wise traffic
  • New visitors
  • Returning visitors
  • Visitor demographic
  • And more

It gives amazing information in detail to the SEO experts so they can review various KPIs and fine-tune their target and SEO marketing plans.