Tips to Make a Meme

It’s highly unlikely that anyone surfing the internet these days has avoided seeing an internet meme. They’re everywhere! But how on earth did they become a thing? What exactly are they? And how in the world do you even make a meme?


What is a Meme

An evolutionary biologist, Richard Dawkins, first coined the word meme in his 1976 book ‘The Selfish Gene.’ He notes that memes are a way for people to pass along social memories and cultural ideas to one another. And very fittingly, the meme is short for the Greek word meme, meaning “imitated thing.”

The majority of image memes are captioned photos that are intended to be funny, often as a way to publicly ridicule human behavior. They’re spread virally through social media sites like Facebook and Twitter, where people notice them and share with others.


Public relations, advertising, and marketing professionals have embraced memes as a form of viral marketing. They’re hilarious, easy to create, and packaged perfectly for earning viral shares on social media channels. In an era where 30 billion pieces of content are posted on Facebook daily, compelling and humorous photos could be your best shot at standing out and earning engagement.

Hipchat Meme

Whether you’re creating a one for work or for fun, we’re here to help. Let’s dive into how you can make an awesome meme quickly since, after all, the more time they are, the better.

Here’s How to Make a Meme

Step 1. Usually, when you go to make a meme, you’ll have an idea in mind. But if not, think of something funny.

Step 2. Are you going to put your own caption on an existing meme image? Or do you want to caption your own image? Save or have the image you want to use ready to go.

Step 3. Open your image.

Step 4. Add text to your image. Memes typically use white bold capital letters, with a strong black outline. Quick Styles are perfect for making memes.

Step 5. Play around with text size and placement to get the meme exactly how you want.

Step 6. Save your image and upload your meme directly to your email, Facebook, Twitter, etc. to share with coworkers or friends.

Once it’s uploaded, you are good to go. Now it’s your turn to make a meme! If you don’t already have, download the free trial. Then, create your own to share with friends, send to coworkers, or to market your product. Let us know how it goes!

What could be better than memes about devices we use to look at memes? We have found the 40 funniest Android vs iPhone Memes to make your day!