Tips For Reducing Overall EMF Exposure At Home

  • Remove all mobile phones from your bedroom and switch them off. Don’t plug something in your room. It’s one of the safest ways to get better, more restorative sleep. 
  • Even when the lamp/clock/sound generator is turned off, an electric field is created around the device and the cable. The better course of action is to turn off the breaker in your bedroom. I’m not joking.

  • Turn off the wifi permanently.You can also access the internet by using ethernet cables wired into your modem in your home. Switch off Bluetooth and WiFi on laptops, tablets, machines, and other electronic devices. Using a keyboard and mouse that are connected to the computer with a cable.

  • Look for smart metres in your home. For the time being, whether you have someone coming to your house once a month to monitor your electric and water use, you should relax. Smart metres are on their way to GRU, but they haven’t arrived yet. The readings on a smart metre can be over 100,000 mW/m2 (remember the threshold for concern is 10). Smart metres are similar to installing a mobile tower on your property. We don’t have one of these in our house yet. However, since there is an operational smart metre data collector on a power pole in front of my building, it is heading to our neighbourhood. There isn’t much going on there right now, but the tag indicates that it is involved.

  • Be aware that many modern appliances contain chips that allow them to transmit data wirelessly to smart metres. One of these chips is installed in our craigslist upright fridge, which is transmitting a signal 24 hours a day, seven days a week. 

  • CFL bulbs emit a lot of radiation, so it’s a good thing it’s in the shed. The readings were as high as 8mG (the 0.2 mark for concern). 

  • Replace incandescent bulbs with LEDs or switch back to incandescents. For some form of radiation, the closest you are to the source, the greater the pulse would be, so step away from the source–even though it is just a few inches.”
  • Use emf reduction products to reduce the emf radiation effects at Home.