Tips For A Successful Pruvit Reboot

Fasting has been around since the beginning of human history and, with all the health benefits that come from it, it’s no wonder. But not everyone has the time to do a full 24 hour fast. Enter Pruvit’s Keto OS, a supplement designed to induce ketosis and jump-start your weight loss goals in as little as 15 minutes! Now, there are some things you should know before you begin your reboot so you can ensure success and not waste money on something that doesn’t work.


Drink Plenty Of Water

The main part of a 60 Hour Reboot is replacing calorie-filled drinks with water. This will kickstart your weight loss and ensure that you have fewer cravings, saving you time and energy. Drinking water also has plenty of health benefits; it can boost metabolism, help maintain healthy skin, reduce bloat and much more. Stick to plain water for a few days to kick off your reboot successfully. You can add a hint of lemon or lime juice for some flavor without taking away too many calories or indulging in sugar-sweetened beverages like sodas or teas. Most people need around half their body weight in ounces of water each day but aim for as much as you can manage as well as between 2–3 liters daily if your goal is weight loss instead of just maintenance.

Eat Regular Meals

One of the most important things you can do when starting a new diet or reboot is to make sure that you’re eating regular meals. It’s easy to overdo it when your body starts craving food again and before you know it, you’ve had way too much food for one sitting. Eating small meals throughout your day helps keep your metabolism up and even helps with cravings. Although cravings are part of a successful reboot, doing something like walking between meals (even if it’s only 10 minutes) will help you from having an all-out binge!

Avoid Processed Foods

During a reboot, it’s important to avoid foods that are processed or high in refined sugar and unhealthy fats. That means no chips, cookies, ice cream, sugary cereals, or anything else with trans fats—which could slow down your progress during a reboot. You should also cut back on your intake of white breads and pastas and instead opt for whole grain varieties. Lean proteins such as fish, lean cuts of red meat (like sirloin), chicken breast, egg whites, tofu and beans are all good sources of protein that can help you stay full longer and provide nutritional benefits. When it comes to veggies—particularly green ones like broccoli—the sky is the limit!

Get Enough Protein And Fiber

You might think protein powders are just for bodybuilders and gym junkies, but they’re actually a super-convenient way to up your protein intake if you want to lose weight. Protein can help keep you full, so it’s a good idea to include it in every meal or snack. Aim for at least 20 grams of protein and be sure to get fiber from fruit, veggies, whole grains and legumes. These two components work together better than fiber alone—and fiber can slow down digestion if you don’t consume enough fat and calories along with it. Adding too much fiber at once could also leave you feeling bloated.

Stay Positive And Focused

There’s a lot to keep track of when you’re on a reboot. That can be overwhelming and many people give up at that point. It takes a determined effort, but staying positive and focused is key to rebooting successfully. Remember that it’s your body that you’re working with—you have control over how quickly you lose weight and how well your body responds to calorie restriction. Visualize what your best possible outcome would look like and make sure you stick to your plan until then. Because if you do, you will succeed.

Find more information relating to 60 Hour Reboot   here.