Three Health Benefits of Eggs

Ever since chickens have been domesticated, eggs have been a common part of the human diet. There are different types of eggs available, and the most common out of them are chicken eggs, while some also prefer eggs of ducks or geese.


Both the yolk and the white of an egg are quite rich in nutrition, which includes proteins, vitamins, and minerals. The yolk of an egg is known to be rich in cholesterol, along with fat-soluble vitamins, as well as essential fatty acids. Here, we will discuss three health benefits that eggs can provide.

Excellent Source of Protein

Eggs are known as one of the best sources of protein. As we know that proteins are known to be the building blocks of life, and their function is to repair as well as provide strength to the muscles and the tissues. One single egg is known to contain around 6.3 grams of the highest quality grams of proteins that are known to be available.

Some other foods can contain protein proportionately more than eggs, but the high-quality and bio-availability of protein that eggs contain is unsurpassable.

Excellent Source of Vitamin D

Egg yolks are known to few of the foods which contain vitamin D. And since many adults are today seen to be suffering from mild or moderate vitamin D deficiency and that is why this makes a good case for the need for eggs.

Even a small serving of two eggs can provide 82 percent of one’s daily intake of vitamin D. Vitamin D is known to play a very important role in the absorption of calcium as well as phosphorus, and this is essential for the maintenance of healthy bones as well as teeth.

Sometimes known as the ‘sunshine vitamin’, Vitamin D is known to play a very important role in the absorption of calcium as well as phosphorus, which makes it essential for the maintenance of healthy teeth and bones. Vitamin D also helps in the promotion of healthy muscle function as well as immune system maintenance.

Eggs Can Help in Healthy Aging

Eggs are known to be one of the most economical as well as easily digestible sources of high-quality protein as well as the necessary vitamins and minerals. This can make them a good dietary inclusion when it comes to older people.

Not only are they easy to prepare, but eggs are also helpful in increasing nutrient intake for people who are older. This can help them reduce the risk of several types of deficiencies and conditions. Eggs are also known to contain a small amount of leucine, which is an amino acid that can help in ongoing muscle support.

Eggs are not just healthy but also one of the most versatile foods, which means they can be cooked in many ways. It can be fried, boiled, baked, or scrambled.

If you are looking to cook delicious egg recipes such as Scrambled eggs with carrots, Fried Rice Noodles with Eggs, or Fried Rice with Pumpkin eggs, you can visit Everyone Recipes ( You can also find recipes for various other dishes such as Carrot Corn Soup, Maple-Roasted Acorn Squash, Meat Loaf, New York Egg Cream, stuffed dragon fruit, etc.