Think your drinking water might be contaminated? Look out for these five signs!

Are you aware of the fact that most water well drilling Spring TX contains lots of minerals, chemicals as well as other pollutants? Unfortunately, it can have long-term and hazardous effects on your health, and although there are Federal regulations about what kind of water is safe to drink, many scientists consider that these standards are inaccurate and outdated. Look out for these signs which might indicate that your water is contaminated.



If you notice that your water is appearing cloudy, it is best to avoid drinking it. It is important that drinking water is always clear. Although there are minerals present in most water testing Spring TX, it is safe only if it is invisible to the naked eye.

Brown or orange hue

If you notice a brown or orange-colored hue, it can mean there is an excessive amount of iron or manganese in your water. The reason for this is mining or excavation near submersible well pump Tomball TX, but sometimes rusty water pipes can also be the reason.

Metallic taste

Clean drinking water will not have any kind of flavor. If you experience a bitter or a metallic taste, then there is a huge chance that there are harmful substances. It can include pesticides, medications, or even industrial chemicals.

Chlorine scent

Water treatment facilities often add small amounts of chlorine in drinking water, to eliminate bacteria. However, sometimes chlorine can be occasionally added in excessive amounts to your water supply, which can be harmful.

Sulfur scent

Since sulfur occurs naturally in the ground, traces of it can end up in your underground water supply. If you ingest high amounts of sulfur, it can be a significant problem. Therefore, if you notice a sulfur scent in your water, it might be time to call water testing professional.

If you are in Texas, living in Houston, Tomball or Spring, then you can consider 77 Water Well for water well inspection, or water well pump repair. Whether you are looking for water well pump repair, water well drilling, or any kind of water well service, 77 Water Well will provide you with exactly what you are looking for. Get in touch with them today!