
Things You Should Stay Away Before Plane Boarding!

How you feel in the plane after taking off is greatly affected by what you have actually eaten before boarding the plane. It also has an impact on your feelings upon landing.


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We will be sharing few dining disasters from our pre-flight checklist to get rid of the jet bloat, becoming a stinky seat-mate due to vomiting and certain other in-flight horrors. Leave these 8 foods to eliminate air sickness due to wrong selection of food!

Fast food or fried things

Do you love ubiquitous airport fast food restaurants? But you must know the fact that it is extremely difficult for your body to digest at 35,000 feet. Hence, when you go for fast food or any fried food it becomes even more difficult for the human digestive system to process the saturated fats, ultimately leading towards heartburn or an upset stomach. Saturated food constricts your blood flow, increasing the risk for deep vein thrombosis.


Although it is not food, you must try to avoid them. Beer and vodka tonic results in dehydration. The air in the plane is not humidified, leading to dehydration among the flyers. Hence it is recommended to avoid alcohol before or during the flight.

Cruciferous Vegetables

There is strong pressure in the airplane cabin, but that does not specifically mean that air is similar to that on the ground. After taking off, the air pressure in the cabin decreases considerably, causing the air in the cabin to expand by about 30 percent. It results in the air and gases that you swallow in your stomach and small intestines to expand, resulting in a highly uncomfortable and bloated feeling. Staying away from broccoli, cauliflower, and other cruciferous vegetables will keep bloating to a minimum.

Carbonated Beverages

Beverages like soda and beer are a major cause of bloating. Imagine the small bubbles that you are taking in as tiny balloons that are going to hit your stomach and will expand rapidly once the air pressure changes. You can imagine how uncomfortable this can be in your stomach!

Sugar-free candies and gums

Being a dieter or diabetic sugar-free products may be a blessing for you, but in reality, they contain artificial sweeteners. Unfortunately, our body is not made the process the synthetic sugar efficiently, and there is a chance of bloating, gas or as bad as the laxative effect due to sugar-free product intake. Avoid their intake before and during the flight!


Being a major gas culprit, beans have a very bad reputation. Various beans and legumes carry indigestible complex sugars naturally, hence leading to unpaid bloating. If you cannot stop using them, try soaking the beans overnight to eliminate most of the problematic complex sugars.


Garlic is undoubtedly too delicious, but it lingers on your breath and within your body odor. Sulfur compounds present in the garlic absorb into the bloodstream and lungs, meaning you are going to exhale the garlic smell even after you have brushed your teeth). Therefore, for the sake of your fellow passengers avoid eating garlic pasta before boarding.

Coffee, tea, water served in the airplane

It is really important to stay hydrated during the flight. Try to bring your own water rather than to pick up a free drink from the beverage cart. According to various tests conducted by the EPA, a few years back, water tank of one out of every seven planes, does not meet the federal standards and is contaminated with bacteria. The water used to make coffee and tea is not heated enough to kill the germs. So it’s better to pass them while on board!

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