The Way to a Perfect Tan Goes Through Your Stomach

We are not sure if you have heard this before. To keep your tan longer, you must include certain healthy and nutritious food items in your diet besides following the various pre and post-care guidelines. It serves two purposes. Firstly, it helps you retain that perfect tan for a long time, and secondly, you will get more variety in your food for a balanced diet. So, what are these food items we are talking about? We have put together a ready-reckoner so that you can refer and start incorporating these foods into your daily diet immediately. Mobile spray tan in La.

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You should include fruits such as apples, tomatoes, pomegranate, grapes, strawberries, watermelon, cherries, kiwi, grapefruit, oranges, and other citrus fruits in your daily meals, as they are an excellent way of maintaining a perfect tan. How? Let us elaborate. These fruits contain ample amounts of vitamins A and C and lycopene. Vitamin A keeps your skin hydrated and protects its suppleness. Vitamin C strengthens your immune system and supplies antioxidants that eliminate free radicals and make your skin glow. Lycopene is a powerful photoprotective antioxidant responsible for keeping your skin radiant and shiny all the time.

Red Wine and Tea

No guys. We are not asking you to become a drunkard. A glass of red wine daily, if you can afford it daily, is sufficient. If you cannot afford it daily, you can consume it once in 2-3 days. Red wine and tea are rich sources of bioactive nutrients like polyphenols. Besides providing several other benefits, polyphenols prevent free radicals from spreading and helps fight against premature skin aging. They are responsible for keeping the skin luminous and healthy, a prerequisite if you want to maintain a perfect tan.

Root and Leafy Vegetables

Root vegetables like carrots, potatoes, pumpkins, winter squash, and leafy vegetables like spinach should always be on your menu, whether eating at home or outside. Carrots facilitate melanin production, a nutrient that aids in skin tan through the melanocytes present in them. Besides protecting your skin from UV rays, melanocytes also help your skin achieve a stunning appearance. Spinach contains rich amounts of beta-carotene, a nutrient that aids tanning and makes it last longer. Besides, these vegetables are rich in vitamins A, C, K, potassium, antioxidants, and regenerative properties, all of which help you keep your tan for longer.

Fish and Nuts

No, guys, this is not a goof-up. We know it is ‘fish and chips’. But when it comes to maintaining the perfect tan, it is ‘fish and nuts’. Fish contains copious amounts of Omega-3 fatty acids, so do olive oil and nuts. Omega-3 fatty acids balance the hormones responsible for hydration and fat deposits and help improve cell membrane elasticity. Nuts and olive oil are also rich in vitamin E, a crucial antioxidant. If you are a non-vegetarian, there is nothing better than eating fish. However, if you are a vegetarian, nuts and olive oil are an excellent alternative.

Final Thoughts

Nothing is permanent in life. The same holds for a tanning job. However, just like you can delay the inevitable by being extra-cautious, you can make your perfect tan last longer by making a few convenient changes to your diet. Always remember, when you make a choice, there are some things you have to sacrifice. The way to a man’s heart might go through his stomach, but the way to a perfect tan certainly does.