You probably already know about all the usual things you would do with that kind of money: pay off loans, buy a bigger house or better car, maybe even travel around the world. But what about investing in yourself?
Those same choices all apply to your health as well! What can you do to improve it? It may sound too obvious — but brushing and flossing regularly Clear Teeth Aligners is the first step to achieving optimal oral hygiene. However, many people don’t realize how much impact this one action alone has on their overall physical wellness, including long-term effects on teeth alignment.
Clear aligners are actually an effective way to straighten crooked teeth without undergoing extensive orthodontic treatments or wearing unsightly braces.
Clear aligners are essentially clear, removable, plastic trays that fit over your teeth to gradually shift them into the proper position. As you wear these aligners regularly throughout the day, they gently pull your teeth into place by applying pressure to the surrounding soft tissue and gently guiding your teeth along their expected path.
This easy-to-apply treatment only takes about two weeks to complete!
Once you’ve achieved a proper smile with these clear aligners, another simple way for you to maintain it is by visiting Drs. Korn & Carmody Dental Group at least once every six months for routine checkups and cleanings. Your hygienist will remove plaque buildup and tartar from your teeth to prevent any further tooth decay, gum disease, or even inflammation.
Clear Teeth Aligners
This article is intended as general information only and should not be substituted for professional medical advice. If you have questions about your teeth or mouth and want more information, contact Drs. Korn & Carmody Dental Group today! We’ll help you achieve the smile you deserve!
Advanced Trained Dentist
Drs. Korn & Carmody Dental Group is located at 1105 West Armitage Avenue near Lincoln Park in Chicago, Illinois. We are currently accepting new patients and would be happy to schedule a consultation for you with Drs. Korn or Carmody.