The Biggest Challenge Related to Women’s Health and Its Efficient Remedy

It’s the universal nature of every woman to address the needs of everyone except self. They give priority to all other works like feeding the kids, cleaning the house, managing the households, taking the pet to a walk, taking care of their better half as well as fulfilling the professional requirements.


Naturally, these loads of engagements make them overlook the early signals of risk related to women’s health Melbourne or anywhere across the globe. They frequently skip wellness screening, and this leads to severe health issues.

One of the most common and painful among them is pelvic organ prolapse. This post explores the causes and the most effective treatment to get out of this awful health condition. Keep reading to know more!

A Shocking Statistic…

A recent study shows that about 55% of woman experiences this horrible disorder after a few years of childbirth. What’s more, 45% of them faces severely irritable after-effects of the same, and due to negligence, 5-6% of them end up paying the death penalty.

What Does Pelvic Organ Prolapse Refer to?

Pelvic Organ Prolapse (POP) is a medical condition. Due to the stressful event of childbirth, the muscles and tissues of the pelvic floor lose their strength to hold and support the pelvic organs.

Eventually, the organs get displaced from their original position. These organs push out of the body through the pelvic cavity and come out through the vaginal exit. The pelvic organs refer to the uterus, rectum, bladder as well as small and large intestines.


The earliest symptom of POP involves a heavy, dragging feeling in the vaginal area. Gradually, problems occur while urinating or at the time of bowel movement. At the secondary stage, it causes difficulty while performing sexual activities.  If neglected, over time, the pelvic organs will start prolapse through the vaginal exit.

Consequences of Pelvic Organ Prolapse

POP affects the quality of life vigorously. It impacts the physical, mental, sexual and social life of women. The tumour, like the exposure of the tissue in the vaginal area, causes difficulties in performing day to day activities and gives birth to typical panic that works as a confidence-killer.

Besides a woman with POP experiences faecal incontinence, vaginal pressure, pain while being intimate to her partner, pushing out of tampons and sometimes, problems to start and control the urinal stream.

How to prevent POP?

Thankfully, POP can be prevented!! Being a little cautious during pregnancy and excellent postpartum care can help in preventing this. Many women undergo treatments like IVF or IUI to get pregnant, which are also counted as vital causes of POP.

While availing these treatments, availing sessions of fertility acupuncture Melbourne or in any other places can help in keeping up the strength of the pelvic region. This helps to maintain a good blood flow to the reproductive organs that rejuvenates the muscle strength.

Besides, avoiding lifting heavy weight or doing substantial physical activities after the childbirth can help in preventing POP. Following a proper diet plan also helps.


Availing a few sessions of acupuncture and performing hypopressive pelvic exercises like Kegel is the best way to treat POP. If one has already started to experience the symptoms of POP, she should consider reaching her nearest acupuncture clinic at the earliest!