By Megan Zurictiz, Hertfordshire September 8th:


In this society we live in, we are often warned never to judge a book by its cover, a wise saying that we millennials found in this earth of ours. It is quite true since we’ve seen it in very different areas in the society, for example, you may look at a man walking down the street poorly dressed but come forth to know the guy better you might find he has millions of cash in his account and sometimes you might just find him he is as you expected.

Where I am headed with tis example is to show you that tezlow is a brand that might have passed through so many eyes that have to come to judge it, some may say it might not be the next big thing some might just say the opposite, but how do we know where it may land? Well, this app has done its best and it still doing its best to show its audience where its headed, and you just have to trust that its going to be the next big thing.

Tezlow is looking for ways to find itself at the top of its game in the long run. What they are doing is not only investing on the app’s outlook, and how to market it, but they are also looking for ways they can build relationships with their audience. They are looking or that trust that they can have with the crowd so that they can be able to share resources between them, quite beneficiary for new businesses and also established businesses looking to expand their market and audience. 

 Taking your time to build relationships builds up a certain network that will help you get connections that not so many social media platforms would get access to along their journey.

The app has an open relationship with its users where they can receive advice, and also give it the same time, advocacy and emotional support. As mentioned earlier, tezlow wants to make the exchange of resources much easier than other apps in the field, they want to be able to carry out the exchange resources and support and have the willingness to ask for the exchange of resources and support from their audience, in a way it builds a two way traffic for them and their online users, but they have to be careful not to add many users to their networks which may make them lose the willingness of this exchange and possibly losing their online network.

So, if you are looking to open a social media app that needs to be successful in the long run look for ways to build and invest in an online network that fosters good relationship for a successful business.

For more information about tezlow, visit www.tezlow.com/explore and see the next global app climb the ladder to success.