Jade roller

Why Ancient People Loved Jade Stones So Much?

For centuries people adore Jade stones for different reasons. In nature, this stone can be found in two variants. One variant is Jadeite and another variant is Nephrite. Out of these two variants, Jadeite stone is very rear and people buy it for different reasons. This phenomenon is not new and many ancient civilizations used […]

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Why Is Jade Unique Stone In Different Cultures And Traditions?

Jade is one of the oldest gemstones ever known. It has always been one of the favorite stones in many cultures and traditions. Since ancient times, the stone has been used by mankind to communicate with the spiritual world.   This is why the stone is of so much value. Today Jade rough is used as one

Why Is Jade Unique Stone In Different Cultures And Traditions? Read More »

Choosing Engagement Rings Made With Gemstones

You should understand from the start that an engagement is a unique experience that should be remembered for the long term; therefore, you must go out of your way to make it memorable. This can be accomplished by selecting the perfect Jade Rough ring from among the many gem rings currently on the market. The explanation why

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