Step by step guide to fire damage restoration offered by experts

Different damages like water, fire, or asbestos could be a devastating experience for you. Further, when you plan to get the remediation services to effectively deal with these damages, it could be overwhelming. For more info about fire damage restoration Aurora CO click here.


The safest bet is to hire professional contractors for asbestos testing, fire damage restoration water damage restoration, or other services. But, in case, you aren’t yet sure about hiring an expert contractor, don’t stress anymore! We have got you covered!

Read on to the step-by-step guide to restoring your home to pre-loss condition after fire damage by extensive clean-ups and recovery processes utilized by the professionals. We aim to persuade you to hire one promptly. Get more details about asbestos testing Englewood CO visit here.

Fire damage restoration process:

Assessment of damage

After assuring the property to be safe to enter, the professionals assess the entire property to look out for the extent of damage and accordingly the extent of clean-up needed to restore the damages.

It also includes assessing contents to ensure the ones spoiled to be discarded and others to be packed and restored safely.

At end of the assessment, they get an exact idea regarding the scope, duration, and estimated cost for the entire restoration process.

Security of property and removal of debris

After the assessment, the next step is to protect the property and the contents. It includes fence installations, debris removal, tarping, or sealing roofs. It is to protect property as well as belongings from further weather calamities. For more information about asbestos testing Boulder CO see here.

Additionally, the non-contaminated zone is sealed off effectively from the contaminated zone to ensure preventing cross-contamination.

Demolition, water mitigation, and drying out

The next step is preventing excessive damage due to mold or others like corrosion. Thus, the water is effectively removed and the property is dried out. Personal belongings are rescued immediately afterward damaged drywalls, floors, or other components of the properties are reviewed to be removed down.

Clean-ups and smoke removal

It is an extensive step requiring a lot of manual labor to clean up smoke and soot from interior and exterior surfaces. After effective clean-ups, deodorizers are used to get rid of the smoke odor.

Construction and restoration

Lastly, the construction or restoration of varied damaged structures is performed to get back to the pre-loss condition. In case of fire damage, it could include:

•Rebuild and replacement of the roof,
•Replacement of electrical,
•Replacement and painting drywall,
•Replacement of flooring materials,
•Replacement of interior counters,
•Fixtures, etc.

In this way, the professionals perform several extensive steps to ensure that your property is well-cleaned, deodorized, sanitized, dried out, and thus, restored to the pre-loss condition for you. Likewise, hire experts to get asbestos testing and water damage restoration, in addition to fire damage restoration.