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Southern California Hospital is a renowned medical facility known for its consistent and high-quality services.

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Culver City, CA (October 22, 2021) – Dry skin in the winter is quite common and is almost inescapable during this season. And the temperature starts today in the late fall and early winter symptoms of dry skin appear. As the humidity goes below 10% defects become even more apparent. Skin dryness during the winter can be avoided by following a strategic skincare routine. According to skincare experts at prospect medical holdings, dryness occurs during the winter for various reasons therefore it is essential to keep the skin hydrated and healthy at all times.

Moisture in the skin is held by the layer called the stratum corneum. The outer layer is responsible for holding the water and keeps germs chemicals and allergens out. The stratum corneum serves as a protective wall where the keratinocytes are the bricks. These are held together by proteins life hack clean and fats. Both these elements create a moisture barrier. When the humidity drops water can easily escape out of this barrier through evaporation resulting in skin dryness

Risk factors for skin dryness include

•Certain health conditions like food allergies and eczema
•Old age
•Frequent washing, showers, and swimming.
•Exposure to harsh chemicals and soaps

Prevention of water loss from the skin is one of the major goals during the winter months. ProspectMedical recommends applying moisturizer on the face and body to add another layer of protection. It is highly effective in preventing water loss. When can also choose to use an ointment but it will feel more greasy. On the other hand, vitamin E oil can help in maintaining the moisture barrier but is not suitable for treating dry skin. Doctors recommend taking proper care of the skin during the winter to prevent dryness and related symptoms. The use of over-the-counter ointments and moisturizers keeps the skin healthy and hydrated in all seasons.

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Southern California Hospital
3828 Delmas Terrace
Culver City, CA 90232-2713
(310) 836-7000
