Skill-based Routing in Detail with Its Top Benefits

Generally available in advanced call center solutions, skills-based call routing is an amazing feature. It is not a new feature. Many call centers are using this call routing rule at its best. If you want still do not have enough knowledge of it and do not know how to use it, read on. In this article, I will share a complete guide on this amazing call routing feature made available to the call centers.


Several companies have now recognized the necessity of the best client experience; a majority of them have started to get creative, technology-driven solutions to deliver excellent customer experience to their customers.

Skill-based call routing is one of the most amazing features available in the call center solutions. It is part of an automated call distribution (ACD) feature-set usually employed in call centers that manage massive call volumes of incoming calls and customer queries. Along with call centers, many other organizations also use it such as tourist companies, customer care centers, eCommerce businesses, etc.

In simple language, skill-based routing is a kind of automatic call distribution strategy available in the call center software.

Its primary goal is simple: Route inbound calls to the representatives who hold the expertise and skills required to resolve concerns of the customers.

Therefore, you can judge how this feature of call center software can improve client satisfaction and at the same time it increases the overall performance of the call center. In particular, even if it has been around for several years, this call center solution feature is growing even further important as call centers trade with massive transactions.

Let me share in more detail how this feature works:

How calls are assigned?

When a caller is connected to the most skilled agent according to various measures such as:

  • Availability of agent
  • Knowledge of agent
  • Skills and expertise of the agent
  • Customer concern type
  • Previous transaction nature of the query
  • Customer preferences
  • And more

The skill-based call routing algorithm collects different information to efficiently route calls to the most-skilled agents. It may interact with a CRM tool to collect data about the customer, so the call can be routed to the right agent.

Moreover, it collects information from your interactive voice response feature. Generally, an IVR collects information about the nature of concern faced by the customer.

Once all information is collected, this call routing strategy matches them with the details it has about agents. The agent, who matches maximum skills get that call.

To make sure that, this algorithm works the best, a call center manager needs to make sure that it stores maximum information about different skills of the agents.

What are the top advantages of skill-based call routing:

Better first call resolution rate:

Using this automated call routing strategy increases First Call Resolution (FCR) rate. It means in the very first call, the customer gets the resolution. They do not need to connect with the call center too often. FCR can help you increase customer retention along with a high satisfaction ratio.

Reduced call abandoned rate:

It traces the availability of the skilled agent and assigns the call to the first agent with the highest skills to assure that clients don’t need to hold much before to get connected with agents. This decreases the abandonment ratio. Along with improving client delight, it also helps you increase the individual performance of your agents.

Quicker concern resolution:

Connecting a customer with issues to the agent with the most skills to resolve it assures that the customer gets the definitive resolution to its concerns.

As you have learned in this article, there are many advantages of using this software. Similar to all other technology software and features to leverage advantages of this software, you need to understand different aspects related to it and then use it. Do not overuse it. Make sure to use it in the right campaigns.