Intelligent call center software

Six Fundamental Rules of Call Scripts to Satisfy Customers in Call Centers

In a call center, the call scripts help customer support representatives feel well prepared when a customer calls a brand for any query. For a company using a call center solution, it becomes necessary to provide call protocols and call guides to go a long way in reducing the stress of the executives and ensuring that there is uniformity maintained for all customers.


Here are the six fundamental rules for creating call scripts to achieve maximum customer satisfaction while providing a human touch.

1) Start with a friendly greeting

Every conversation must start with a warm, friendly greeting. However, it is very important not to be rigid. The executives must be given full freedom to choose the way they want to greet each customer. The greeting should also suit their personality. This will ensure that they sound natural in their conversation. Also, the customers will not get to hear the same words every time they call at the call center. This will help them to feel that their conversations are more personalized.

2) Invite the customers to explain

After the initial friendly greeting, the executive should ask the customer, how they can assist him/her today. More importantly, customers should be asked to explain their queries. The agents should intervene when they want to clarify any details and to express their understanding as a customer speaks. A customer must not be asked to share too much account information, as an intelligent call center software guide suggests that the agents must provide good services with minimum customer details.


3) Informing the customer about a pause

Dropped calls are a major source of irritation and frustration for the customer. The customers must be made aware of whether the executive is listening to them or looking for information on the intelligent call center software. The agents must inform the customers about any pauses, the reason for the pause and estimated waiting time. They can also play music on hold while looking for information.

4) Making the customer specific script

Every conversation is different. There may be instances when the scripts may fail and the agents have to think on his feet and provide a spontaneous reply. This is very common while handling a customer who is very upset with a brand. Giving the agents a degree of flexibility will help them to remain calm in difficult situations.

5) Checking for the customers’ understanding

While proposing a solution, it is very important for the agent to make sure that the customer understands it. Agents should directly ask the customer if they have any questions regarding the solution provided or if they are dissatisfied with the solution. The customers must be given a chance to voice their opinions.

6) Quality checks

It is important for a company providing an intelligent call center solution to its agents to use the call script feature to test its call scripts regularly. The text and speech analysis option in the call center software may provide an insight into how a particular script is going with the customers. The feedbacks of the agents are also vital since they are handling the customers day in and day out.

The call script is an important feature available in the call center solution. They serve as excellent guides for the executives. But, they have their limitations too. By giving the agents flexibility, freedom and empowering them would benefit the customers from more productive calls and quicker resolutions.